In Our Father’s Mansion

Now the tax collectors and sinners were all gathering around to hear Jesus. But the Pharisees and the teachers of the law muttered, “This man welcomes sinners and eats with them.” Luke 15:1-2

Jesus told them this parable: “There was a man who had two sons…

I did not know that Wesley’s birthday was this week. He would have been fifteen on Tuesday. Bruno, Daniel, and Wanderson decided to visit the cemetery where he is laid to rest. He must have been very close to them because it is very rare for them to leave where they hang out to go anywhere. Maybe it is because his tragic death occurred so close to his birthday. According to Bruno, they each bought a flower and placed it on his headstone. Everyone said a short prayer thanking God for his life. It was their final birthday gift for him. Bruno prayed that there will be some sort of justice done for his cruel death. However, we know that it will not occur here. The people who murdered him were the very ones who were supposed to be agents of law and order in this city.

Bruno was in a pensive mood. Finally, he asked if God will forgive those who murdered Wesley if they asked for forgiveness. For the first time in my life, I found it hard to say “Yes” to this question. Suddenly, within me, there was a burning desire for some sort of retribution. I suppose talking about forgiveness theoretically always seems easy. In this present situation when a perpetrator commits a hideous act without any remorse, it is hard to accept that this person will be welcome into God’s household without any restrictions. Bruno followed up with another question; “What if he does it again after being forgiven? Is God going to forgive him each time he asks for forgiveness?” I told him that it is hard to imagine someone who sincerely repents of murder to go out and commit it again and again. However, Jesus did say to forgive seventy times seven because that is what the Father does. To be frank, it was not a pleasant conversation even though the idea of God’s mercy and forgiveness should be a joyous topic. However, we found out that it is not always the case. Sometimes God welcomes the people that we wish He would exclude from His household. All of us have a personal list of people we think should be excluded. Well, maybe most of us…maybe it is just me. I doubt it.

Today’s gospel is a parable which is familiar to every Christian. The name given to this particular story is quite misleading. Jesus was not talking solely about the lost son. Needless to say, the prodigal son has captured popular imagination. Furthermore, we tend not to dwell too much on the older brother. In reality, the two are essentially the same. Both sons did not understand the Father. Apparently they dreaded being in the Father’s house. The younger one wanted to get out as soon as he could. He was more of a risk taker. If we were to attach any virtue to this young man’s actions, perhaps we can say that he was more courageous than his older sibling. The older one was not necessarily a coward. No doubt, he was more prudent. However, neither one of them understood the Father. Neither one of them cared what the Father felt and thought about them. The parable appears to be inconclusive. We are not sure if the older brother understood the Father in the end. In reality, we are not sure if the younger brother understood the Father’s love. He did not return to His father’s house because he had a renewed understanding of his father’s love. He returned for the same reason which made him leave. He was thinking about himself and his own survival. Both sons are the same. We do not know if either son actually understood the true nature of the Father.

It would be a mistake to assume that just because the younger son was accepted back with open arms that he was transformed. Jesus shared a curious parable in another occasion. It is found in the same gospel. A demon expelled from a person’s life returned to find his previous “home” all swept and clean but still vacant. The demon rounded up seven demons and returned to its previous dwelling place (Luke 11:23-26). The young son returned home. We have returned to our Heavenly Father. However, it does not mean that we are automatically protected from something worse which could contaminate our souls.

Jesus responded to the mutterings of the religious authorities of His time. These were people who were zealous about following God. Perhaps some of them were doing so for ulterior motives but a vast majority of them were sincere. Even St Paul testifies to this in his letters. He would know because he was among their ranks. These sincere religious leaders had cleaned their “houses” but only for seven demons worse than the previous one to occupy them. We are not immune from these demons. The Pharisees were in the gospels to show us that we can become like them. Maybe we are already like them and just do not realize it. There is a way out of this. The Father invites us to celebrate with Him each time when one of His lost sheep returns home.

In the gospel of John, Jesus told his disciples that He is going to prepare a room for them in the Father’s mansion. We have no say who should be on the guest list. We cannot use our church doctrines to restrict the list. It is the Father’s prerogative. One thing is for sure; there is no room for hatred and revenge in this place. The problem is that we live in a world fueled by these things. We have waged wars and killed thousands because we listened and believed things which dehumanize the people whom we are supposed to be against. In this environment, Jesus invites us to see the other from the perspective of the Father. He is the One who anxiously waits for His lost children to return home and welcomes them with open arms regardless of what they have done. He is a Father who is unbelievably merciful to point that it might irk us. However, this is our heavenly Father. We will never be able to rejoice with Him unless we are able to see life from His perspective. There are no rules or formulas enabling us to do so. The New Testament does not give any spiritual laws whatsoever, even though there might be some hanging around in some churches but they do not belong to Jesus. St Paul tells,

“Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your minds, so that you may discern what is the will of God—what is good and acceptable and perfect.” Romans 12:2

The world constantly appeals to us, beckoning us to follow its logic and ethics. Jesus warns us that if our right hand causes us to sin, then it is better to enter the Kingdom of God without it. Maybe there are many things in everyday life promoting the values of the world. Everyday we are exposed to things to make us hate our neighbor because of the depravities that they commit. Jesus tells us to cut these things out of our lives. We do not have to pretend that they don’t exist. This will be a foolish attempt. Nevertheless, we do not need to allow them to occupy our thoughts and minds. We need to renew our minds. First by listening to the words of Jesus, not opinions about His words but the testimony of the disciples in the gospels. Then we need to appeal to the Holy Spirit to help us discern the presence of Jesus seeking the lost sheep in this world. Maybe we can participate with Jesus in His endeavor when it is possible. If not, we can rejoice with Him each time a soul returns home from his wayward wanderings and we will find ourselves being renewed. We will begin to see this world from the perspective of the Father. We will be standing with the Father rejoicing as we see in the distance a soul who once did horrendous and deplorable things returning to a place where our Savior Jesus Christ has prepared a room for this sheep.

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Bearing Fruits

At that very time there were some present who told him about the Galileans whose blood Pilate had mingled with their sacrifices. He asked them, “Do you think that because these Galileans suffered in this way they were worse sinners than all other Galileans? No, I tell you; but unless you repent, you will all perish as they did. ” Luke 13:1-3

An elderly woman commented to me not too long ago that only bad people died from Covid. I can not remember what prompted her to say this. It was during the worst period of the pandemic and I suppose the topic was on everyone’s mind. She occasionally helped the children and teens with food and some of the teens liked her. She was not a callous or cold person even though her comment was bizarre. Needless to say, it disturbed me profoundly. One of our friends died from Covid here and some friends have lost their parents and siblings. None of them were saints nor sinners. They were just regular people who did their best in life and definitely none were remotely bad people. However, it is not necessary for me to engage in every battle. This woman was just being like any human being. She wanted some sort of assurance of her own survival and therefore, she made up something in her mind giving her an illusion of protection. Unfortunately, this meant blaming the victims for their own demise which we often do. I walk alone at night sometimes in places reputed to be dangerous. I am often confident that nothing bad will happen to me even though many have been robbed and hurt in these same places. I justify my attitude by imagining that these victims were not careful like me. Somehow I have convinced myself that I am special and different and consequently I am entitled to differential treatment in life. I am happy to dwell in this illusion and so are many around me. Jesus is telling us to snap out of it. Having this illusion is not going to help us live our lives to fullness. In fact, it is a hindrance. We need to repent, in other words, have a change of mind and face the reality before us. Unless we do this, we can never be fruitful in this life.

In the streets of São Paulo, there is never a shortage of preachers yelling at the top of their voice for everyone to repent. We do not want to be another of these voices. They have reduced repentance to mere acceptance of a doctrine; more specifically, the concept of accepting Jesus as their Lord and savior. Jesus becomes a ticket to heaven and a better life according to them and nothing more. The first person who spoke about repentance in the New Testament was John the Baptist. He asserted that repentance needs to bear fruits. Eventually he was beheaded. Before this, he was unjustly imprisoned. John was a repentant soul but it did not spare him from suffering. Jesus, perhaps, is the only person, according to our faith, that did not need to repent. Yet, he suffered and died. There is no scriptural evidence to support that conversion is a guarantee that we will be protected from pain and suffering. Sometimes it can increase and most of the times, if we are fortunate, we can lead quite a normal life with minimal suffering. It doe not mean that we did something to deserve it. It is just the way life functions. Jesus did not explain why these poor Galileans deserved such a diabolical death. He just warned us that we too can suffer such fate. We are not special. We just need to be aware that Life is unpredictable and incredibly brief. Our conversion does not change how life functions but it changes how we function in life.

Last Wednesday, when we went to the streets, Wesley was sitting alone in the corner. I went to greet him and he insisted that I give him a hug instead. It was strange because I hardly know him. He is relatively new to us. He showed up during the beginning the pandemic. We have not had the chance to get to know him yet. He seemed to be a nice kid about fourteen years old. He looked like someone with whom we could have had a strong relationship in the future. Unfortunately, the very next day he was brutally murdered. The details are irrelevant. They will not bring him back. Suffice it to know that he was well loved by the other teens. He had a sweet nature and loved to be the clown. Although we did not know him well, his death still affected us. I am glad that I was able to give him a hug just before he left us. I have something to remember him. He died but he did not perish from our existence.

Jesus shared the parable about bearing fruits. I have heard teachings complicating this whole idea. Bearing fruits, some say, is converting people to our faith. Some say it is living a successful life without any clear definition of what that means. Jesus told the parable in the context of terrible things that had happened to people; things that are reflective of the times in which they were living. There are many choices to make in these situations confronting us. In our present times, the same hatred and violence that was present in Jesus’ time are evident now. The difference is that we have more advanced technology to disseminate them. However, the repented soul still has the same task which is to bear fruits. To the common person in our Jesus’ time, fruits played a simple role. They were not too concerned about the propagation of a tree when they saw fruits hanging from it. They saw something that was going to nourish them and even bring a moment of sweetness to their life. Fruits fed hungry souls in their long tiresome journeys and even Jesus sought figs to feed himself when he was traveling. Furthermore, in other parts of the gospel, Jesus used salt as a reference for the kind of role repented souls should play in this life. We can delve into the subject of salt preserving food and how we need to preserve the world from corruption. We can also see salt as something that magically enhances the flavor of food making it pleasurable and delightful. This world is going to function the way it has always functioned with all its in justice and violence. However, those who have their minds transformed by the power of the Spirit can bring joy and hope to those who are weary and overburdened in this world.

Sometimes we think that we need to do great things in order to count as spiritual fruits. Most of the times, they are simple things that anyone can do. I wanted to have a long-lasting relationship with Wesley. However, I was only able to give him a hug. At least, he knew that he was loved. His life was not in vain. He did not perish into the great unknown. His name is written in the repented souls who know that Wesley was and is a child of God.

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Nothing Can Hinder

At that time some Pharisees came to Jesus and said to him, “Leave this place and go somewhere else. Herod wants to kill you.” He replied, “Go tell that fox, ‘I will keep on driving out demons and healing people today and tomorrow, and on the third day I will reach my goal.’ In any case, I must press on today and tomorrow and the next day—for surely no prophet can die outside Jerusalem! Luke 13:32-33

In my last post, I mentioned that things in the streets were getting worse. Robberies and theft are a frequent occurrence. Brazil has higher rates of homicide than most of the countries going through a war. However, now I see that I spoke like the Pharisees in today’s gospel reading. They were not being hypocritical this time. No doubt everyone dreaded and despised Herod for being a dangerous and malicious leader. Most likely they were genuinely concerned for our Lord’s welfare. They were right in warning Jesus. However, they forgot that our Lord is not one to allow circumstances to dictate His purpose.

In the same way, I have been looking at the negative changes around us without realizing that this does not actually make any difference for the Good Shepherd. He came to seek the sick and not the well. Growth in criminal activity, persistent pandemic, and increasing political unrest is not going to stop the healing and casting out of demons. Jesus will achieve His goal in the streets. Therefore, we need to be attentive; not only to what is happening around us but the things God is doing in the places where we live. Our Lord is not into showmanship. He does not like the limelight. He is a subtle Shepherd. Therefore, we need to pay careful attention. There are many good and wonderful things happening in the world. Yet, for those who want swift justice and peace, the actions and presence of Jesus will be inadequate and perhaps even distracting. In other words, God works in His own time and space.

Camila sent us a message this week. It has been a long time since we heard from her. Some may not remember her. She was actually one of the first homeless teenagers we met when we came back here in 2013. All we can remember was that we spent very brief moments with her before she was arrested for theft. She spent most of her teenage life in the juvenile detention center even though she did not commit a serious crime. The major problem was that she is an orphan and there was no place available for the State to send her. As soon as she turned 18, she was released and became determined to get her life on the right track. We always randomly ran into her over past few years. Every time she was so happy to see us and remembers our times with her fondly. She claims that we did much to help her. It was not exactly true. In fact, we can hardly remember anything of our times together. Somehow, she saw something in us and we are forever grateful for it.

Camila has always been a fighter and very proud young woman. It took her a while to receive any kind of help from us. We had to explain to her that we needed the help of many people in our lives before we could be on our own. Therefore, she shouldn’t feel like a failure to receive help from us. Fortunately, things are going well for her after a long uphill battle. She is a squatter in an abandoned building. She has a tiny room which she shares with her two year old child. Unlike most of these occupied buildings, she has to pay a small fee. The place is organized itself into a movement that is fighting for the government to provide affordable housing. I visited her place once. The place is not in a great condition but it is clean. The movement managed to secure a small number of apartments in a local housing development. The apartments are not free but they are subsidized by the government. They still have to pay a high price for it but it is divided into affordable installments. Priority was given to single working mothers and Camila’s name was selected. When she told us the news, she could hardly contain herself. She said that she knew that God will answer her prayers. There is still a long battle before her but she is a fighter.

Camila found a steady job but her employers are underpaying her. She expected it but she also realizes that this is how things work. She knows her objective and she is not going to allow these unscrupulous people to get in her way. She is getting the experience which she needs. One day she will be able to find a better job with a fair salary. She also shared with us that she was almost robbed one day. She was walking with her child and a young man about her age tried to steal her mobile phone. She confronted him and told him that he should be ashamed for stealing from a single mother with a child. The guy returned the phone to her and told her that it was too cheap for him. Camila laughed and said, “I left that life behind me but I am not going to be victim for someone like my past self.” She was into crime for a very brief period. She despised it. She allowed the circumstances to dictate her choices back then. Now, she tries her best to listen to the voice guiding her in the straight and narrow. She gave us a big hug and rushed off to pick up her son from the public daycare center.

When we got to the streets where the children and teens were, Guilherme approached us. There are few teens with this name. I have never spoken about this particular one before. We have known for him for a while but he has been in and out of detention centers. Despite his actions, he does have an open and kind face. He is a divided person. There is goodness in him but he allows himself to do the things he does not want to do. Guilherme wanted to know if we were an NGO. I told him that it was just us, Mary and Stephen. We were not an organization but I was curious. He wondered if we could help him buy a portable cooler. It was a strange request. He explained that he was planning to sell bottled mineral water at stop lights. He thought maybe this could be a start towards the right direction. He does not want to be involved in crime anymore. He said that he was aware of the long road ahead of him and he is determined to take small steps each time and eventually God will help him get there. We told him that we will take these steps with him. We made plans to buy the cooler the following week. Next day, Guilherme brought another young man, Josiah. He wanted to do the same thing and asked for our help. They said that they needed three coolers altogether. “Three!” I blurted out. Josiah quickly added that they were not expensive. They asked me to follow them because they had something to show me. They managed to get some money together to buy several cases of mineral water. To my pleasant surprise, the third cooler was for Kawanna. We have seen these three sitting together in deep discussions for weeks. We were always a little concerned because we thought these two were bad company for Kawanna. However, it was clear now that they are trying to figure out a way to get out of crime. Kawanna thanked us for offering to buy the coolers. They found a place to store their bottles in a fridge and they can start selling once we get them the coolers.

As we left, Guilherme asked us to keep praying for them. They want to listen to the voice of the Good Shepherd calling them back to walk in the right path. They are finding means and ways on their own. They are working out their salvation. Yes, things are heading from bad to worse but this does not change anything. Jesus is still healing and casting out demons in our midst. Perhaps not in the way the world expects. Jerusalem wanted the prophets and servants of God to do things in the way the city desired. However, God acts according to His own will. He leaves the ninety nine in search for the one who has strayed. The city expects Jesus to do something spectacular for the ninety nine but our Lord is wandering in the wilderness looking for the one. Things are bad but God is still actively healing and comforting His sheep. We just need to look for Him in the right places.

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Coming out of the Wilderness

Jesus, full of the Holy Spirit, returned from the Jordan and was led by the Spirit in the wilderness, where for forty days he was tempted by the devil. Luke 4:1-2

Every Lent, we begin this special season with the reading of the temptations of Jesus. It would be a grave error to think these temptations were peculiar to Him.

Jesus was one hundred percent human. Every Christian knows this and yet many act as if He was a God disguised as a human in the tradition of the gods of Greek Mythology. Many believed that Jesus still had His godlike abilities while He was a human being. However, the Bible tells us He emptied Himself of godlike qualities which means he possessed our ambiguities and weaknesses. In other words, He was not a superhuman. Consequently, He also had the desire to be the god of his own life as most of us do. All of us have within us a desire to have complete freedom to do and act as we please according to our own whims. We do not want to be challenged or subjected any standards besides our own. As an ancient philosopher once stated, “Man is the measure of all things.” Even today, many Christians believe the world was created for humanity to do with it as it pleases and not for the pleasure and glory of God. This is our human nature and it began right at the story of the Fall. The temptations of Jesus reenact the story of the Fall but with one twist. There is no fall. Jesus refused to use His power and influence to succumb to this innate human desire.

Many times we hear people say that we are so blessed to be living in this…or being born in this… I think in reality people are just lucky to be born where they are if the place gives them the opportunity to achieve what they desire. Many use their wealth and knowledge and whatever privileges they received for their own personal gains or to ensure that they are self sufficient and secure from all the dangers of the world. There is nothing inherently wrong with this. However, randomly using the word, “blessed”, to describe this state is problematic. In the gospel, being blessed begins with the awareness that everything we have comes from God but it does not stop there. Most people do stop there. The devil wants you to stop there. He tried to tempt Jesus to do the same. However, as we used to say right in the middle of worship service in the Anglican tradition,

“All things come of thee, O LORD, and of thine own have we given thee.” I Chronicles 29:11

Being blessed is being able to give back to God all the things which He has given us. It does not mean that we sell everything and give to the poor and then become missionaries. This is a nonsensical way of thinking. Everyone has a place in the body of Christ. We need to discover our place and then use the resources which we freely received from God as an offering to give back to Him. Nonetheless, we still need to spend some time in the “wilderness” to understand how we can become God’s channel of blessing in this world. It worked for Jesus and it can do miracles for us.

Actually, we do not need to go to the wilderness. It came to us in the form of a pandemic. We are still not quite done. It seems like this “wilderness” wants to linger around a bit longer. Unfortunately, many have rushed out of it and fallen into the arms of the devil. Thankfully, we do not have to follow their footsteps. The season of Lent is here to aid us. It beckons us to take a step back and reflect. We can allow this story to speak to our souls. There are two paths before us, the devil’s path which is the foundation of our carnal human desires or the path of the footsteps of Jesus: the New Creation. No doubt, everyone wants to follow Jesus. We also know that the spirit is willing but the flesh is weak. We need help. Jesus reveals to us the Way. Jesus overcame the devil because He understood what needed to be done. He kept His focus. Jesus was given gifts and power. He knew how and when to use them. He made it clear in the same chapter of today’s gospel reading. He sat among the congregation and pronounced the purpose of his life and gifts.

“The Spirit of the Lord is upon me, because he has anointed me to bring good news to the poor. He has sent me to proclaim release to the captives and recovery of sight to the blind, to let the oppressed go free,
to proclaim the year of the Lord’s favor.” Luke 4:18-19

As we proceed with our reading of the entire gospel from here, we see example after example of Jesus using all that He received to fulfill these words. No doubt we cannot be like Jesus but it does not mean that we should not try. One of the most powerful testimonies I heard was from an atheist who confessed that even though she lacks faith, she loves the person of Jesus and desires to imitate His footsteps. I think that she is on the road to discover what it means to live a blessed life.

We are slowly coming out of our wilderness. I tried doing it towards the end of last year but Covid got a hold of me. Now, I am taking baby steps back into the world. It seems like things have gone from bad to worse. The country is going through one of the worst economic crisis and unemployment is record high. Consequently, crime is on the rise. We have witnessed robberies with such frequency that it is creating a sense of revolt within me. I have always had a great disdain for crime and even stopped watching movies because in some shape or form, they tend to sensationalize criminal behavior. Personally, I am having a hard time separating the perpetrator from the sin. It is easier to succumb to the temptation of despising both. To our dismay, there has been an increase in number of teens involved in crime. Some of them are so deep into it that their physiognomy is beginning to reflect their criminal behavior. The situation is quite discouraging and there is a growing sense of hopelessness. It made me question if we can possibly make any impact in the lives of these young people. I walked past three young men. Two of them were teenagers and the one in the middle was slightly older. He was shirtless and his body was marked with tattoos telling a story to those who understood its symbols. They were robbers taking a break. As I walked by, the one in the middle called to me. They looked extremely intimidating and dangerous but I wasn’t afraid for some reason. The tattooed young man looked at me and said, “God bless you and your family, sir! I really mean it.” It wasn’t exactly what I expected to hear. I was taken off guard and mumbled back something like a weak “same to you”. Something special happened at that moment. I did not recognize him but he acted like he knew me. I walked on and saw Kawanna sitting alone. I sat next to her.

She is a quiet girl. It is best not to inundate her with questions to make her talk. She usually does it on her own time. She has been very dear to us over the past few months. There was a time she was just as dangerous as the three young men, possibly even worse. She spent most of her teenage life incarcerated in the juvenile detention center. They even said that she was a hopeless case. However, she has left criminal activity behind. Now, she composes music and poems. She has a written quite a number of them. We just gave her a notebook for her birthday so she could record more of her compositions. She just turned 22. She eventually started talking. She told me that she wants to use music to get out of this situation. She meant her homelessness and poverty. However, she wants to do something to help the others. She said that she was involved in crime once and she knows that most of them want a way out of it. They need help and most importantly patience.

Her words brought me back to this world and our focus. Jesus did not bring us to this place to be a judge. There are ample number of judges around. He did not bring us here because it was easy. He brought us to see the suffering and tormented souls who need healing. The devil wants me to focus on the outside and seek an easy way out. Jesus confronts the dire reality and brings a message of hope and love. Today, I received healing from two unlikely sources. I was healed of my blindness and now I can see that the circumstances have changed but the gospel still remains powerful. It is still able to heal and restore. The devil wants me to focus my energy on other things mainly myself. Jesus said, “No!” We want to say “yes” to Jesus.

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