This final line of the Lord’s Prayer is not found in the gospels but it is in our liturgy. I am not sure if all Christian traditions recite this ending to the Lord’s prayer but I can speak for Anglicans. For us, it is an inseparable part of the Lord’s prayer. It gives us a sense of completion. Therefore, it seems appropriate to end my reflection on this wonderful prayer with this final line.
“For Thine is the Kingdom, the Power, and the Glory for ever and ever.”
“The Kingdom”, “the power” and “the glory”; these are powerful words as well as dangerous. They have the tendency to inspire great works among the saints and at the same time they can be apt instruments by those led by demonic inspirations. Wars and persecutions have been justified using these terms. Therefore, we cannot be frivolous in our interpretation of these words. This should be done in the context of the Lord’s Prayer and never isolated from it.
“The Kingdom”
Perhaps the most important thing to remember that this is not our Kingdom nor our idea of the Kingdom. Therefore, it is only appropriate that we surrender our earthly notions about how God should manifest Himself in this world. Our thoughts on all things eternal are broken and distorted because we live in a broken world. The result will be disastrous if we fail to recognize this. We would end up creating an idolatrous image of our Heavenly King which would be demonic in nature and contrary to the image of the Heavenly Father Jesus revealed in the gospels.
The Kingdom belongs to God and Him alone. Only He can establish it in its true and holy form. He invites us to participate in it. He invites us to recognize that His kingship is present in this broken world. God is doing something new. If we unyieldingly hold on to our worldly ideas, then we will never see it.
The Prayer teaches us that the Heavenly King chooses to manifest Himself as our Father. Here again we need to be careful. We should not fall into the trap of reducing this image of Him as our earthly fathers. These are mere shadows of our Heavenly Father. Our earthly fathers are limited. Their fatherhood is defined normally by a biological and social connection. God’s fatherhood expresses His quintessential relationship with His created beings. There is a nothing created by Him devoid of His love. In other words, everything is created lovingly to reflect His Love. Furthermore, His fatherly love sustains their existence. They are never merely a thing but a continuous expression of His Love. In this manner, He is personally involved in creation. They are dear and precious to Him.
“Are not two sparrows sold for a penny? Yet not one of them will fall to the ground unperceived by your Father.” Matthew 10:29
However, not all things created have the capacity to comprehend His fatherly goodness. We who are gifted with the capacity to comprehend the nature of this relationship are tasked with the responsibility of being witnesses in words and actions of His Heavenly Fatherhood. Therefore, when we pray that His Kingdom is to be established, we are opening our hearts and souls to be used as God’s instruments to bear witness of His Fatherly goodness present in this world.
“The Power”
In this world, power is defined through violence. This world operates on the principle that in order to have peace we must be prepared for war. It is necessary for us to recognize that much of this thought influences us to the core. This is why the words of prophet Isaiah, “Woe is me for I am a man of unclean lips and live among a people of unclean lips”, need to be a constant source of reminder and reflection. We need to recognize these ideas of power are incompatible with the gospel which Jesus preached. He refused to succumb to the worldly idea of power and violence even though He was given the opportunity to do so on several occasions in the gospels. Instead, He manifested the Kingdom’s notion of power on the Cross. He overcame the worldly notions of false power and violence by refusing to participate or be seduced by the world’s mindset. The power of the Kingdom of God is manifested in means and ways which this world cannot recognize. Once again, if we hold to this world’s idea of power, then we will see and not perceive, hear and not understand the presence of the Kingdom in this world.
“The Glory”
Finally, we come the glory. God’s glory is His Holiness. It is not the kind of Holiness which separates and isolates people. It is the Holiness which draws people to its warmth. It is the fire in the Burning Bush burning without destroying. It saves and purifies. Jesus revealed a nature of Holiness which is often times forgotten. It is Love in its purest form. God’s Holiness is the essence of God’s love. The distortion of this Holiness is the spirituality of the Pharisee. Something Jesus warned us to overcome because it is the easy road which is wide and broad. Its end is destruction.
These three powerful words give us the foundation to engage the world found outside the doors of our religious place of worship. When we hold onto these words and interpret them in the context of the Lord’s Prayer, then we become His church.
A clergy friend of mine wisely told me once that there is only One church. It was during a time when I was feeling frustrated with my local parish and considered abandoning everything. His words touched my soul. There is only one church. It is the one which takes the Lord’s Prayer to heart and lives it. When we allow this prayer to speak to our soul, our identify will be the presence of the church in the world. We will be drawn to these people because the Spirit of Jesus dwells in them. Sometimes they might not be even religious people. In my first reflection, I mentioned an agnostic person who organized a Christmas meal in the streets. He led the homeless children and youth to pray the only prayer which he thought was true. He was seized by the truth of this prayer even though he had doubts about many things. Doubts do not disqualify us from the church as long as we allow the Holy Spirit to guide us to live our lives in accordance with this Prayer. There is only One church in this world and it is the One who prays this Prayer in order to shape its life according to its powerful and life-giving words.