Learning to be a Neighbor

Just then a lawyer stood up to test Jesus. ‘Teacher,’ he said, ‘what must I do to inherit eternal life?’ He said to him, ‘What is written in the law? What do you read there?’ He answered, ‘You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, and with all your soul, and with all your strength, and with all your mind; and your neighbour as yourself.’ And he said to him, ‘You have given the right answer; do this, and you will live.’But wanting to justify himself, he asked Jesus, ‘And who is my neighbour?’ Luke 10:25-29

This is the prelude to the parable of the Samaritan, perhaps the most well-known parable. Therefore, it is not necessary to go into details here.

I got a call from Camila, incidentally almost immediately after reading this gospel story. I have mentioned her before. Maybe it is not relevant to go into her background story at this point. Suffice it to say that she is our neighbor. The Samaritan did not know anything about the injured man except that he was in desperate need of help. Camila was in a desperate situation. She called and said everything is on fire where she lived. At first, I thought she was speaking figuratively. Then it became obvious that there was an electrical problem. No one is going to fix it because it is an abandoned building and Camila and the other residents are squatters. There was a fire right at the only exit of the building. Obviously, it shook her up and she decided that this was not a place to raise her three year old. Unfortunately, rent is absurd here. We are facing some challenges with our high rent. Someone like Camila cannot afford to rent a place. The best she could do is find a tiny room to rent which she did. It is going to take up most of her income. She survives by doing odd jobs. Unemployment is at an all time high and most jobs do not pay enough to even rent a small room. Camila needs help. She has no family. Most of her friends are just like her. They were once homeless and now all struggling to make ends meet. No one is any condition to help her except us and she is our neighbor.

We arranged to meet her on our way to the streets. She was late. Usually it is not a problem. Punctuality is just a suggestion here. We have even adapted to it so we are sometimes late too. However, this time we were on time which makes waiting even worse. There is no compensation for being punctual. We had made prior plans with Daniel to do something special for his birthday. He turned twenty last week. It is hard to imagine that this little kid we met at 11 is now at this age. After waiting for a considerable time, we had to leave. We did not want Daniel to think that we had forgotten about him. With Camila, we know that sometimes it takes two tries. She has her hands full. She has to juggle daycare and odd jobs not to mention laundry and meals. It is too much for a 23 year old. She does it well but sometimes she can not keep track of everything. We would see her again later this week, maybe tomorrow. There was still time for her to resolve whatever she needed to do. We went to the streets and Daniel was not there. He was most likely still sleeping. Definitely not the most successful day in terms of keeping our appointments. This is how things are. We just have to go with the flow. After all, our neighbors are homeless. They do not keep a schedule. Timetables and schedules are for those who are in society. Our neighbors are considered outcasts and invisible. They operate on a different time and we need to adhere to their system.

Unfortunately, the streets were buzzing with the latest tragic news. One of the boys was murdered. Maybe two. I only know of the one. His name is Mikael. He was perhaps the most unlikable teen in the streets. This is saying a lot because there are quite a lot of disagreeable characters. Even the person who told us the news referred to him as the worst teen in the streets. Regardless of this, it is still tragic. He was murdered by the gang. This is quite shocking for us. It has been years since someone in the streets was murdered by them. In fact, they put on a moratorium on any physical violence among the homeless. They included prohibition against any physical aggression towards the elderly and children. For a moment, we forgot that they were dangerous. This heinous act marked a sinister transformation in the way they operate. Mikael was accused of something serious but we suspect that it was all just made up. Anyway, we are dealing with a dangerous criminal faction. They do not have a commitment to justice nor the truth. Mikael was one of my least favorite persons in the streets. Nevertheless, he was my neighbor.

Kawanna approached us. They saw a robbery victim enter a police car and they decided to leave the scene. They were not involved but they knew that they would be the first suspects. They sat next to us. They thought that they would be safe from the police with us. I am not sure anymore. No one is safe anymore. Kawanna asked if she could meet with us later in the week. She and a group of older girls are thinking about doing something which sounded like embroidery but I have no clue what it is exactly. Mary has a vague idea. The most important thing is that the girls know what it is and they want to make items to sell. The material is quite expensive and they asked our help to purchase it. Kawanna said that they could odd jobs to buy the basic equipment but they need help with the primary material which a specific cloth, I think. These girls have been trying really hard to do everything possible to earn an honest living. They tried selling bottled mineral water. They tried doing odd jobs cleaning offices. They still struggle to make ends meet but they are determined. Kawanna stated that she wants to do something that will help them leave the streets permanently. For now, they need to be here to get donations and food. She believes that she will make it. She asked us to be part of this process. She recognized us as her neighbors.

On our way home, we had to spilt up. I needed to drop by the grocery store and Mary was picking up some cleaning supplies. On her way, she met this homeless man who lives near the corner of our street. He called out her name. It was amazing that he remembered it. Unfortunately, Mary had spent all her money and had nothing to offer him. She told him that she was out of money. The man smiled and said, “You are my friend. You don’t have to give me money each time we see each other. I just wanted to talk you. You are my friend!” He was happy about this. Perhaps it was something he wanted Mary to know for a while. He is just wanted to be our neighbor.

The words of Jesus have the power to open our eyes to see things that perhaps we just ignored previously. It is easy to lose sight of our neighbors in need when there are tons of things clamoring for our attention. However, these things will always be there. They never go away but our neighbors may not be always with us. Besides, they are very much real and present in our lives, more so than all the things happening in the world. As far as changing the world for the better, we have to just admit that it is beyond our means. Furthermore, Jesus never asked us to do anything of that nature. However, the Samaritan made a great difference in the life of that one man who was a victim of the injustices and sufferings in the world. The good actions of this one man did not make the world a better and safer place. It just showed one person that no matter what happens love is still present and strong in this world. This one thing all of us can do. We may not always have the resources to help everyone financially or solve their crisis. It is always within the means of all of us to show love even in the simplest manner. Nothing done in love is ever forgotten. These are treasures that we can store up for eternity.

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Very Active Albeit Absolutely Defeated

Jesus said to them, ‘I watched Satan fall from heaven like a flash of lightning. See, I have given you authority to tread on snakes and scorpions, and over all the power of the enemy; and nothing will hurt you. Nevertheless, do not rejoice at this, that the spirits submit to you, but rejoice that your names are written in heaven.’ Luke 10:18-20

I had never seen a scorpion in the wild until one day. Well, it wasn’t in the wild exactly. Mary and I were stuck in a bus stop under heavy rain. It was close to where we meet with the children. While we were anxiously waiting for the rain to lighten up, a scorpion crawled out of the gutters. It slowly climbed up a light post at the side of the stop. Everyone just watched the movement of this menacing critter as if hypnotized by its presence. I’m sure that we shared the same sensation as anyone imagining this scene right now; fear, disgust and repulsion and I have to admit a little fascination on my part. Its sting was moving around as if it was seeking for a victim to strike. Then it just froze and stood there as if to remind us despite our high-rise buildings and concrete fortresses we can never be safe from him. He will find a way to visit us when we least expect. Up till then, I never imagined seeing scorpions in this concrete jungle. Of course, this was just foolish of me. There have always been here crawling all around us. I can see these creatures used as symbols of the grave dangers present in this world.

Jesus made some powerful assertions here. They are very practical even though not necessarily taken in the literal sense. The disciples were preparing to go into the world to become purveyors of the good news. Without a doubt, they would confront Satan and his snares. Regardless of what we think about him, we can agree that this figure is universal symbol of evil. Even though our Lord tells us that it is defeated, sometimes it is hard to believe it. We have ample examples of its presence. It might appear that evil is still doing pretty well especially for something that is already overcome. Not only does evil seem to have an upper hand, even the nature of what the world considers as good tends to be dubious. It is tainted with so much evil and it is hard to distinguish the difference. I defer to Shakespeare to illustrate what I am saying here. In his famous tragedy, Hamlet, the protagonist, supposedly the good person, attempts to exact justice for a single act of treason and fratricide. Unfortunately, he executes this not without causing the death of seven innocent people. No one can seriously say evil was overcome. Our flawed nature only produces flawed goodness. Regardless of all this, Jesus assures us that Satan is defeated.

Movies, most mythologies, and literature often address a battle in this existence between good and evil. We tend to read this scenario into our understanding of the gospel. However, this would be a grave mistake. Jesus is saying that there is no battle anymore. The foe is defeated. It doesn’t mean that he is not around. We should know enough to realize a lot of times defeated foes like to pretend that they are still in power. Jesus admonishes us not to listen to these lies. Instead He invites us to see the world through His perspective where the foe is utterly powerless. This is not to say we look at life through rose-colored glasses. Jesus did not. He warned us about scorpions and snakes lurking around. However, we don’t have to fight them.

I feel like I have to make a pause here to clarify something.

I am not suggesting that we become passive to all the problems of the world. There are many battles which are incumbent on us to engage in such as the fight against racism or any form discrimination. We need to address the inequality and the scarcity of basic human needs in many places in the world. There are many things we need to engage in this world. However, we do not go about this in the same manner as the world. In this existence, battles in this world are fought with the principle, “love your friends but hate your enemies.” We do not confront the world by disseminating hatred towards those who are promoting injustice. Jesus gave us another foundation which is completely contrary to the values of this world.

But I say to you, love your enemies, bless those who curse you, do good to those who hate you, and pray for those who spitefully use you and persecute you. Matthew 5:44

I have to admit that it is not easy to follow our Lord on this. We constantly are tempted to follow human nature. Well, if it was easy, Jesus wouldn’t have mentioned it in His teachings. In the world, there are countless snakes and scorpions waiting in hidden corners of our souls for the precise moment to sidle up and sting us with their venom of hatred and bitterness. Once contaminated, our eyes will see the evil present in the world. It will blur our vision to the point where we believe the only way to achieve anything in this world is through the forces of the evil one. Thanks be to God, Jesus is the Light of the world. He sends us out into the world to see the Truth.

“The eye is the lamp of the body. So, if your eye is healthy, your whole body will be full of light; ” Matthew 6:22

In the streets where we minister, there are 1001 reasons to hate. There is never a lack of examples to believe that evil is alive and flourishing. There is enough violence and hatred to convince us that everything is a lost cause. The sheer number of people living in the streets screams at us that this is a hopeless situation. The snakes and scorpions are always present to strike our souls and make us abandon this place. However, the Holy Spirit did not bring us here to be impressed with the so-called victory of Satan. He is a defeated foe so the only thing he can do now is to try to pretend that he is in control. Those whose are blind to the Kingdom of God will succumb to his lies. However, Jesus promised us that the poison of these lies will not affect us. It does not mean that they won’t disturb us. This week alone we witnessed several scenes that would be enough to convert us into convicted misanthropes. I won’t reveal what they were. I am not going to promote the lies of the devil in this space. It is reserved only for the proclamation of the gospel. The good news is that Jesus has come to reveal the true way to live in this existence. He has given us the Light to see through the darkness and discover the true nature of people. This does not mean that they intrinsically good. Our true nature as human beings is that we need healing in our souls. We are like lost sheep wandering around aimlessly being influenced by the chaotic whisperings of Satan.

Sometimes it is difficult to see beyond the evil attitudes and actions. After all, we are humans. There is nothing wrong with this. Even Jesus gave us a way out.

“If anyone will not welcome you or listen to your words, shake off the dust from your feet as you leave that house or town.” Matthew 10:14

I used to read this as an act of disdain. I believe that even in popular language this phrase has sneaked in to refer to total and utter rejection of those who mistreat us. In the Light of the gospel, the opposite is true. It means that we are free from the situation which might be overwhelming for us. We asked to shake the dust off our feet so that we will not carry with us the hatred and rejection we felt in a determined situation. It could be a place, work area or even a relationship. All these are places have their scorpions and snakes. God is able and willing to heal our souls and protect us from the effects of these places.

As for us, we came here because this is the place God has aside for us to heal and discover His goodness. Satan is always present trying to propagate his lies. He sends his legion of scorpions and snakes against us. However, the grace of God will protect and heal us from the venom of hatefulness.

The scorpion looked menacing at the bus stop on that day but he was just a tiny critter. He does not have the power to withstand us. He just looks scary and nothing more.

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We Are Together and One

I do not believe that there is a teenage girl in the streets who hasn’t fallen in love with him before. It is not hard to see why. He is a handsome young man with a wonderful personality. Despite sleeping in the streets since 12 years of age, he has never been involved in crime. He has an older brother in the streets too. Their father was an abusive alcoholic and it was their mother who made their home life tolerable. Unfortunately, she died prematurely which prompted the boys to flee to the streets. His older brother got involved in crime almost immediately and ended up being drawn deep into it. He spent most of his teenage life in juvenile detention center and then eventually in prison. We met Wallace when he was 17 years old. Even though he was considered one of the older and more experienced homeless youth, he never lost his innocence. He kept his childlikeness intact. His brother, on the other hand, bears the scars of a life of crime. People usually feel a little intimidated by him. We were a little unsure about him too. Wallace is always very open and warm towards us but his brother, Wilton, always kept his guard.

Despite being charming and sociable, Wallace never had any ambition for anything. We were not sure if he had what it takes to leave homelessness. There was a time when he was using so much drugs that we could hardly talk to him. He would slur his words. It was heart wrecking to watch his slow degradation. One day I couldn’t handle it anymore and I told him that he needed to stop with the drugs. He just smiled at me blankly. I thought that nothing had registered. Then a week later, we found him sober and waiting for us at the steps of the Cathedral. He wanted to do some activities with us. He said more time with us means less time sniffing paint thinner. Eventually, he stopped using everything. I am surprised that he listened. You just never know.

Wallace yelled out to us before running up to give us a big hug. Wilton followed behind and to our surprise, he hugged us too. We hardly saw the brothers since the Pandemic. They are both doing some odd jobs now. Wilton got out of prison and decided enough was enough. He was determined that both him and his brother were going to get jobs and take care of their once abusive father. He has mellowed down a lot since then and health issues have something to do with it. The brothers decided it was time to forgive him. Wilton was working on getting all his documents so that he can eventually register to go to school. Both brothers are illiterate. Wilton wants to better himself and I am sure Wallace will follow in his footsteps. For now, he was helping his older brother to get his documents together, something we did for him few years ago. It seems like he is doing for his brother what we did for him.

We would have never expected that these two brothers to be doing what they were doing now. We thought Wilton was a

lost cause. Thankfully, he proved us wrong. He still has a tough exterior but there is a change. He looks calmer and more peaceful now. Wallace is just happy that his brother is back with him and now they can move forward as a family.

We said our goodbyes and they replied, “É nois.” This is slang here to say we are together and one. Later that evening, Wilton left a message on my phone. He said that he got all his documents and got home safely. He told us not to worry about them and thanked us for everything. It made us feel like we did something special but we are not exactly sure what. It doesn’t matter. Love triumphs in the end.

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A Certain History

And he sent messengers ahead of him. On their way they entered a village of the Samaritans to make ready for him; but they did not receive him, because his face was set towards Jerusalem. When his disciples James and John saw it, they said, ‘Lord, do you want us to command fire to come down from heaven and consume them?’ But he turned and rebuked them. Then they went on to another village. Luke 9:52-56

There is always a history behind most things. The Samaritans did not reject Jesus because of His Ministry or His Life. There was something hidden and deep rooted lurking behind their actions. James and John did not want to curse this village because of their zeal for Jesus. Their enthusiasm concealed some hidden prejudice and hatred. Jesus was able to perceive and understand the Truth behind people’s actions. We have seen this several times in the gospels. He was never impressed by the crowds which followed him nor did he allow their enthusiasm to influence his decisions. Jesus never dwells in the outward manifestations of life. Many would not have gone beyond superficial impressions. Perhaps this might be truer in our present times. It is not because we are living in exceptionally superficial times. We seem to occupy our time with things which rob our energy to see beyond what is presented to us. However, following Jesus demands that we walk in the footsteps of our Lord. It is no wonder that immediately after this episode, Jesus talked about the cost of being His disciple. In order for us to be disciples of Jesus, we must be willing to understand the world the way He understood it. We cannot continue to be like those who look, but not perceive, and listen, but do not understand (Mark 4:12).

Maria was very excited to see us. She gave us a hug and immediately sat herself next to me. She claimed that she has been clean for three months now. I do not think that she was lying but her sense of time could be a little off. It does not matter. The point is that she wants to be clean. This is in itself a radical change. She said that her mind is clearer now and she is even trying to go back to school. However, she realizes that she lacks the basic knowledge. She asked if we had text books on Portuguese grammar and mathematics. “They can’t be too hard,” she stressed. “I don’t understand complex stuff yet.” This was quite an interesting thing. Most of our youths are quite proud. They pretend to know more than they do. Their attitude is understandable. It is not something just peculiar to the homeless teens. It is just plain human nature. It pains us to admit that we don’t know as much as we claim to know. Unfortunately, for our children and teens, pride is one of the greatest obstacles for their progress. They cannot admit the fact that they need to be learn from someone else. They consider it too humiliating and in the end they give up.

Maria, fortunately, is different. She does not have these inhibitions. She does not feel the necessity to impress others. She recently got a notebook and now she is recording everything she knows in it. It sounds like it might be her very first notebook. It is quite sad in a way. Maria has been in the streets for a long time. She belonged to the first group we met in the streets. Actually, the very first blog post I wrote after we arrived here in 2013 was about our interaction with her brother, João. Their mother named her two children, João and Maria. Incidentally these names are the Brazilian translation of the Grimm’s fairy tale, “Hansel and Gretchen”. Both children were in the streets but not because their mother deliberately abandoned them in the “woods”. They ran away because they were afraid for their safety. Their mother suffers from mental illness and was unstable. Unfortunately, the children were not spared from it. Both João and Maria suffer from it too. João went deep into the “woods”. He now lives in the dreaded place called “Crackland”. People in this place are in a constant crack induced stupor. Maria managed to stay away from this place even though she always self-medicated with other substances. I have never written about her before because she always ignored us. Sometimes it seemed as if she was deliberately rude to us. Once she yelled at us for not being there for her. In her mind, she thinks that we did not keep our commitment over some things she imagined that we had promised to her. We thought for a long time that Maria was not interested in having any relationship with us. Then, unexpectedly, she sat next to us to tell us about all the wonderful things which are happening to her.

There were other times when she talked to us previously. Most of the time there was an ulterior motive usually involving money. However, this time it was different. It was something genuine. To be fair, this is not the first occasion when she showed her genuine character. There was another brief moment when Renan was murdered. Daniel asked us to pray for him and Maria came up and just sat next to us in silence. She sat with us for a long period without uttering a single word. Renan was her boyfriend. Now she was just talking non-stop but not in a negative way. She had interesting things to say. We listened to her silently. It was amazing to see her in this light. She displayed a sweetness which we had never seen before. She did not expect anything from us except to share all the good things that were unfolding in her life. She knew that we would appreciate them and be happy for her. Then some of her friends came around and she left with them. She almost forgot about us until her present boyfriend reminded her. She turned around and apologized and then said that she wants to show us her notebook the next time.

We just had a glimpse of the real Maria. It took a while to see the real person behind the mental illness and drugs. She is, by no means, healed. Most likely, she will never be completely healed. Nevertheless, we have seen enough to see her in a new light. Although, it is very possible that she might ignore us in the future, it will be different. A lot of things in life require several attempts. To expect Maria to overcome every obstacle in a short period of time is an unreasonable expectation. Healing is a process. The fact that she wanted to share with us her joys means that she considers us part of this healing process. We are eternally grateful for this. Beside, she taught us a valuable lesson; never come to precipitated conclusions about anyone just because they might appear to be indifferent or hostile. There is always a history behind people’s actions.

The Samaritans endured a history of hatred and rejection from the rest of the Jewish people. This history went back a long time and Jerusalem was the symbol of all this hostility. Jesus understood this and He did not take to heart their rejection. John and James were acting on their own prejudice. They were not acting as disciples of Jesus who taught repeatedly to forgive and heal, instead of harboring hatred and violence. There is no room for these things in the hearts of Jesus’ disciples. However, it is easy for us to feel angry when we see people acting in ways that seem contrary to what is right. We can be tempted to label these people with unflattering labels like criminals, lazy or spoiled. All these might describe their behavior but it is not who they are. Jesus saw beyond the behavior of the Samaritans. Therefore, as people desiring to follow our Lord, we need to see beyond behaviors and not let ourselves be fooled by so-called religious or pious actions which conceal something more sinister and detrimental.

In our hearts, we gave up on Maria a long time ago. We never outwardly rejected her but we never imagined that we could have any meaningful relationship with her. It took her a while to come out of all the dirt that has been heaped upon her since the day she was born. Now, she realizes that there are some people waiting for her on the other side. I am glad she considers us to be among those waiting.

There is another youth who is either 18 or close to it and never says a word to us. We don’t even know his name. We have never seen him smile. He always puts on a tough exterior. Unfortunately, he is steeped in criminal activities. Nevertheless, every time he sees us, he will shake our hands first before greeting any of his friends. He always does this. There is something special in this young man. Maybe one day he will be able to show his true nature to us. Till then we are not going to give up on him. Thank you, Maria, for this precious lesson.

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Lovely and Unexpected

All of them were filled with the Holy Spirit and began to speak in other languages, as the Spirit gave them ability. Acts 2:4

I used to like post-apocalyptic movies but recently, they have lost their appeal. Everything changes when our reality reflects what once was a mere fantasy.

Every day we see abandoned buildings, increasing sense of lawlessness, trash scattered everywhere and families living in makeshift tents cooking their dinner on improvised stoves, while the police walk around armed to the teeth as if we are in war. All this we see in our own neighborhood and we live in supposedly the richest city in Latin America. I thought maybe I am just being negative. Recently, we received a visitor in our home. It was a friend who is living in Europe presently. He is back on a short family visit. He decided it would be fun to walk to our place from his temporary lodgings. It’s not anywhere near us, almost two hours walking distance. Perhaps it sounds like a crazy idea for some but our friend is a very unique person. Besides, it is something I would do easily in his place. He wanted to get reacquainted with the city and this seemed like a good way. When he got to our place, he told us that he felt like he walked through the scenery from a post-apocalyptic movie without any of the entertaining element. It is not just my opinion then. We are living in a post apocalyptic state.

The place where we meet the children and teens is considered the old commercial center of this city. Sometimes the word “historic” is added to its description to attract the tourist. However, you have to be a pretty naive tourist to come here. It is quite dangerous and frightening. We are part of the environment now but it does not mean that we are immune to its dangers. We still need to be aware. There is a new group of children and teens who have moved to our area. Most of them do not know us. There are about at least 50 to 60 of them and they are mostly under the age of 12 with some older teenage girls in the mix. All of them are runaways from orphanages. We do not know exactly how they met. The pattern is always the same. The children and teens ran away from their situation and joined up with others like them and eventually they migrate to the historic center. The first thing they do is to prove how tough they are. As a result, any unfortunate soul wearing a gold chain is sure to lose it in this old center. I wish I was exaggerating but this is the sad truth.

A group of European looking tourists came walking towards the church and few seconds later they were running away from a bunch of children trying to rob them. An older teenage girl pounced on one of the tourists to steal her chain. She managed to get away with her things intact but I am not sure about her state of mind. It was quite an unsettling scene. The teenage girl behaved like a dreadful monster. However, it impressed the other children. No doubt this was her intention. She has proven herself to be one of them. Now she has a story to tell. The next day the same girl came up to us and asked if she could color with us.

She colored in silence. There is something about her face which revealed a timid gentle soul hiding behind a tough exterior. She spoke to us in curt sentences. She chose her colors carefully and then when she was finished she showed us her end product. It was truly beautiful. She stood up and walked away with a satisfied smile. The next day, when she saw us, she gestured to us to sit with her. She started coloring again and did not say anything. We did not want to burden her questions. The following day she called our names with a big smile. We do not recall telling her our names. Suddenly the images of the girl attacking an innocent tourist were not compatible with this girl we are beginning to know. She appeared to be a little child now. She asked Mary to teach her a few English words. She wanted to know how to say “sorry” in English. Ever since this day, she always comes up to us and sometimes she just stands next to us without saying anything, never hiding the fact that she is happy to see us. Our relationship is slowly developing through silence. The Holy Spirit gave us the capacity to speak the language this young girl understood without uttering a single word. She just wants to be close to someone who will let her be herself. It is apparent that she feels safe with us and we feel a sense of love creeping into our hearts. Suddenly, the world does not seem so dark and gloomy anymore. The Spirit brought a little girl who wants to be in a place where she can feel safe and loved. We are grateful that Holy Spirit considered us for the role.

Her name is Giovana.

Some Recent Interactions

Perhaps few days after I wrote this, we saw her in the streets playing with another teen. I suppose it is her boyfriend. We know him but we do not have any strong connection with him. She was playing with him like a little child. She ran up to him expecting him to catch her as she jumped into his arms. A game a little child would play with her father. When her boyfriend caught her, she was laughing and completely oblivious to the world. There was something sad about it.

A little later she came up and stood next to us, smiling. She wanted us to know that she had just celebrated her birthday. She added that the doors of the orphanage are permanently closed to her. It means that she is 18 now. We told her that we will do something special together. She smiled and thanked us. The next day, Mary wrote her name in beautiful calligraphy with special birthday wishes. We also included a box of good chocolate and a pair of warm socks. It has been cold recently and anything warm is always welcomed. The next day, she came up and gave us hug. Our relationship has progressed to hugs. This is a pleasant development. She did not know that we had a gift for her. She was taken by surprise. She saw the chocolates and the socks. There was not much of a reaction beside a smile. Then she saw the hand written note. She showed it to the other kids who were more interested in the chocolates. She sat down and shared her chocolates with the others but held the note in her hand. It was something that just belonged to her.

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Going out of His way

Jesus then asked him, ‘What is your name?’ He said, ‘Legion’; for many demons had entered him. They begged him not to order them to go back into the abyss. Now there on the hillside a large herd of swine was feeding; and the demons begged Jesus to let them enter these. So he gave them permission. Then the demons came out of the man and entered the swine, and the herd rushed down the steep bank into the lake and was drowned. Luke 8:30-33

I heard one of the most disturbing things and at the same time, I was encouraged. It might appear that I have violated some Law of Logic here. I hope Aristotle would give me a moment to explain myself. Before I can do this, I need to introduce Ron. Actually it is somehow pronounced as Hon. In reality, his name is Tiago. I think I am confusing everyone. Sometimes things are little confusing in the streets. To make matters worse, the children and teens refer to him as a “she” even though he has never once dressed as a woman nor behaves like one. They say that he is a trans. We respect people where they are and Ron knows this but has never asked us to address him as such. Therefore, he will be a “he” here.

Ron is not really a teen. He is not even a young adult. He is in his thirties. We know his exact age. However, he made us promise not to reveal it so I am obliged to keep our word. He has been homeless since he was a teenager. This is why he has an affinity with the children and teens. The children adore him even though he finds them to be annoying. He often refers to them as a bunch of lazy criminals. Despite his caustic humor, he has a deep affection for them. When Wesley died a few months ago, I saw Ron hiding in a corner to cry. The former used to annoy Ron a lot when he was alive. The children think Ron is funny and feel safe with him. He is part of the children’s environment just as we are part of it too. Anyone who wants to foster deep relationships with them has to accept those in their environment. I’m sure that they observe how we treat Ron. Fortunately, we enjoy his company. This can not be said of everyone in the children’s environment which includes some dangerous and unsavory characters. We just acknowledge their presence and keep a safe distance.

Ever since the Pandemic started, the local government has set up hygiene stations where the homeless can take a shower and wash their clothes. They also provide clean undergarments. A simple thing as such has improved the quality of their lives radically. The older teens take regular showers now and often look very neat and tidy thanks to this service. Ron also takes full advantage of this. He has a bag full of clothes and washes them once a week. He is quite an organized fellow. This week while he was waiting for his clothes to get done, he came and talked with us. He timed himself so that he knew exactly when his clothes would get done. Unfortunately, he got distracted and was five minutes late. One of the staff chided him saying it was unacceptable and banned him from washing clothes for the rest of the month. It was a little disproportionate. She even refused to let him dry his clothes. He carried all his wet clothes and laid them on the floor so they could dry in the sun. Naturally, I was appalled at this callous attitude of the staff. This is Brazil. People are always late. Whenever I have my friends over to my place, I know that everyone will be at least half hour late on a good day. The norm is one hour. No one is hardly on time for any appointment. It’s just part of life here and usually no one really minds. Moreover, no one ever thinks of apologizing for being late. No judgement here. It is just the way things are and it’s neither bad nor good. However, apparently the staff at this place is either from another country which is most unlikely or mean-spirited. I reiterated that being five minutes late is not that big of a deal especially for the homeless who don’t have watches nor mobile phones. Ron replied by saying this is the norm. It is not about tardiness. Most staff who work in the government social programs hate the homeless. He said that all the children and teens know this. Even when those give out food at night, they can be mean and say degrading things to them.

In a way, this is not news. I have observed the social workers and other governmental agencies in the streets. They do treat the homeless either with indifference in most cases or unprovoked hostility in some situations. Ron said that the homeless are used to this hostility. It is just part of their life. Then he said, “You like us.” I almost did not hear him saying this. I was disturbed by the fact that people who choose to work with the homeless continue to disseminate attitudes of hatred and rejection towards them. To be fair, I have met some social workers who were excellent but they never stay long in the field. They always get frustrated but not with the children and teens. They feel like they are working against an army of demons. Of course, these are not their exact words. I am interpreting what they said.

Unfortunately, the word, demon, tends to conjure up caricature images in our minds, no thanks to cheap and vacuous movies and literature. If we believe that the essence of God is Love and the ministry of Jesus is to reconcile us to this love then demons includes anyone who promotes hatred and alienation of any group of people. In all societies, these demons are present. Sometimes they have a permanent place. Legion is not just peculiar to Gerasene. It has a foothold in this city too. It doesn’t want to leave this place. Unfortunately there are many here who are willing to give Legion a place in their lives whereas the irrational beings like the pigs would rather die than be a host to such destructive forces.

Jesus did not need to go Gerasene. This was explained to me by a scholar who likes to study New Testament geography, something which I lack the inclination to do. It makes complete sense. No devout Jewish person would wonder into a place where swines are livestock. Nevertheless, Jesus made a special trip to this place to do just one thing. He wanted to heal a man who the whole village kept in an alienated state. He served a purpose for them. Maybe he kept strangers away from the place. Perhaps he was the perfect scapegoat for that particular society. They were not interested in his healing. They wanted him to remain in his state. If this wasn’t the case, then they would have been happy when Jesus healed him. Instead they were more concerned for their livestock. The economy was much more important than the healing of a human being. They would rather cohabit with demons than lose some money. They did not want a savior to upset their well-established order. Despite the rejection of the people, Jesus fulfilled his purpose in that place. He came to heal just that one person. Legion still remained in that particular city. It did not matter. Jesus healed this one soul. The kingdom of God was established in that place.

In every society, there are demons who like to keep things the way they are. We need to make sure that we do not become one of their host. Clearly, no one wants this. All of us want to be agents of Love and Reconciliation. Yet, wanting something is not enough. Our Lord would go out of His way to bring healing to people who suffered the most by the oppression of these demonic forces. It is an active vocation which does not happen naturally. We must act to become agents of healing.

Jesus did say that before we take the speck out of the other’s eyes, make sure we don’t walk around a log in our own eyes. Therefore, we have to ask ourselves if we are being agents of love to the homeless. It is not a given just because we are ministering among the children. The staff who was mean to Ron also works among the homeless. Later than evening, I remembered Ron’s words. “You like us.” He is easy to like but there are those who are not that easy. They need God’s healing and reconciliation too.

Jesus came to preach the good news to a specific people but He made His detours as the Spirit led. We have the same Spirit here with us to guide us to become God’s agent of Love and Reconciliation where He has placed us. In this world, we can be either vessels of Legion and disseminate destruction or we can be agents of love and reconciliation.

There is a street cleaner of the area where the children stay. Every day she sweeps around the area at the end of day. She always has a smile for everyone and always speaks lovingly to the all the homeless. Everyone loves her including us. Sometimes she makes little comments which make the children and teens feel loved. She is just a street cleaner to the world but in reality, she is a genuine agent of love and reconciliation. No one will ever hear about anything written about this woman. Yet, her love will always be remembered by the homeless and by us as well.

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Holy Trinity Holy Love

I still have many things to say to you, but you cannot bear them now. When the Spirit of truth comes, he will guide you into all the truth; for he will not speak on his own, but will speak whatever he hears, and he will declare to you the things that are to come. John 16:12-13

Some days nothing happens. Sometimes something which seems like nothing turns out to be something important. Today, Kawanna was just thirsty.

She did not ask us to buy her some water. She wanted to know if the other children and teens could spare her some. No one had any. It is strange that no one talks about thirst. Water is such a visible commodity and is hard to imagine its scarcity. It is easier to get food than water. I mean potable water. Quite frequently, the homeless would wander around at night seeking for a place which would give them a cup of water. They would wake up extremely thirsty and unable to sleep until their thirst was quenched. The concierge of our building told me that he is instructed not to give out any water even from the tap. The management is afraid it might be become an habit. I did not realize thirst was a habit. Thankfully, our concierge disobeys this order and secretly has two liter bottles of water ready each time someone comes by asking for it.

We decided to buy Kawanna a big bottle of water. It is such an easy thing for us to do. There is a convenience store right where the children hang out. It is one of those nondescript stores which have cropped up ubiquitously ever since the city has attempted to regain normality. Surprisingly, the children and teens are comfortable entering this establishment. They are prone to avoid stores because they feel like everyone is eyeing them suspiciously. This one is different for them. It’s their store. They mostly buy water or drinks there. Thirst is a truly a problem.

Mary entered the store with Kawanna and I stood outside because I was too lazy to put on a mask. As I waited for them, I saw a young teen coming out of the store. I have known him since he was a very young lad but he hardly does anything with us. He used to be annoying but now he has mellowed a bit. He saw me and gave me hug. Anyone observing us would have thought that I have a strong relationship with this boy. I was quite taken aback myself. Nevertheless, he chatted for a while, just small talk, nothing profound and gave me another hug and left. Then two other older teens came by. They belonged to the group which was involved in crime. These do not usually interact with us so much, albeit they are always respectful. One of the boys hugged me before going into the store. I do not even know this boy’s name and never realized he was even aware of our presence but he knew my name.

Two teens who hardly gave us any attention when we are with the other children suddenly are showing warmth and affection towards me. Maybe I was standing in a neutral area and they felt free to be themselves. All in all it was a pleasant experience. Mary and Kawanna were taking a long time. Then before I knew it, someone hugged me from the side. It was Daniel. This one was expected. He is one of our favorites. I was getting lots of love just waiting in front of this store. Again, a casual observer might think that I am someone really popular with these homeless teens. There were a couple of policemen looking at me. It was not the kind of attention which I wanted. Mary and Kawanna finally came out. There was an issue.

It was really nothing, not worth going into details at least, just a rude older customer trying to provoke them. Thankfully, Kawanna did not take the bait even though she was upset. She confessed that she wanted to react and say something but controlled herself instead. Mary tried to explain to her at times it is best to just ignore these antagonistic people. Kawanna shared a recent incident where a random stranger attacked one of her friends for no apparent reason. She had to defend her friend by punching the guy until he released his choke on her friend. She added that it made her feel awful as she hates violence. This is quite interesting hearing from a girl who spent years in the juvenile detention center for being an accomplice in a violent crime. She was divulging something to us which she may not have the freedom to say with others. It is important to put on a tough exterior in the streets especially for the girls. All of us can imagine why this is necessary. However, they know that with us they can be themselves without any fear.

Perhaps you might be wondering how this is all connected with the Holy Trinity. In a way, it has nothing to do with it if we are talking about the doctrine. The doctrine itself can be a monotonous and tedious concept wrought with technical terms. For most of us it might sound mild fascinating but mostly irrelevant. We just want to discover and understand the Love of God. It is good to remember that the fundamental intention of this doctrine is to discover how God’s love operates in this world. A full knowledge of the complexity of the Holy Trinity is not necessary. The Holy Trinity is about encountering God, not about learning a doctrine.

Our children and teens need to encounter the Trinity in their daily life. Most of them are orphans and it is important for them to know that they are not abandoned, despite the fact that the world rejects them. They often say that their only true parent is God. They are not saying this because they are in a so-called religious culture. It is based on their experience and hope. Furthermore, they need guidance to live their lives in a way of Love. They need to encounter the person of Jesus in the lives of people so they have a means to understand how to imitate Him. Most importantly, they need the strength to face the Truth about themselves. Most of them are afraid to do this. However, one can never understand Love without facing the Truth and one cannot face the Truth without the strength and power of Love. It is an almost impossible task for us to reconcile both of these. Most of the time, we tend to adopt a sentimental expression of Love without the Truth or we speak the Truth in a harsh and loveless manner. Thankfully, what is impossible for humans is possible through the divine act of the Spirit. Without the Holy Spirit, Truth and Love cannot be reconciled.

Therefore, every attempt to share God’s Love is essentially living out the doctrine of the Holy Trinity.

Kawanna was thirsty. We just wanted to buy her a bottle of water but we ended up giving Jesus a glass of water without thinking about it. Where Jesus is present, Truth is seen and heard clearly. These boys who are apparently cold and distant are actually thirsty for Love. They were not hesitant to show it when there was an opportunity. Maybe we need to hang out outside the store more often, maybe not. I think that the Holy Spirit will open doors for us at the right moment. We just have to make ourselves available and not discard an opportunity just because it appears to be insignificant. After all, we serve a Lord who can turn water into wine. I am glad that we did not disregard Kawanna’s thirst because of its simplicity. In reality, the most profound moments of Love are encountered in the simple things and actions.

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What does this mean?

Amazed and astonished, they asked, ‘Are not all these who are speaking Galileans? And how is it that we hear, each of us, in our own native language? Parthians, Medes, Elamites, and residents of Mesopotamia, Judea and Cappadocia, Pontus and Asia, Phrygia and Pamphylia, Egypt and the parts of Libya belonging to Cyrene, and visitors from Rome, both Jews and proselytes, Cretans and Arabs—in our own languages we hear them speaking about God’s deeds of power.’ All were amazed and perplexed, saying to one another, ‘What does this mean?’ But others sneered and said, ‘They are filled with new wine.’ Acts 2:7-13

It has been almost ten years since I preached in a church. Well, we visit churches in Florida every two years or so. I usually preach a sermon but mostly focused on our work here. It has been a while since I walked up those tiny stairs leading to a pulpit and addressed a congregation on a feast day like today; Pentecost Sunday. I accepted an invitation to preach two weeks ago. Now, I am miserable. I am not sure what I am going to say. I have to face a group of people who do not look anything like the homeless children and teens. For starters, the place will be clean; no trash and litter lying around. No one will sniffing paint thinner or smoking. Everyone will be sober, at least we hope. It is going to be a completely different congregation for me. I feel a little lost. I kept staring at the text above, hoping something would pop up. I am drawing a blank. Maybe I made a mistake accepting the invitation. It is too late now. I have to say something. I think I will start with Jesus. After all, He is the One who links the people of my street church with this congregation of well-dressed people.

Jesus said that you cannot put new wine into old wineskins. It is interesting that the scoffers on the day of the Holy Spirit said that the disciples were filled with new wine. They were right. New Wine was being poured out into the world. Unfortunately, the scoffers in their arrogance were more interested in humiliating the disciples instead of asking the right question. I think that this is often the problem. They were satisfied with their superficial reading of the situation instead of seeking true understanding. Fortunately, there were people who were sensitive to what God was doing. They were amazed that Galileans were speaking in foreign languages. For some reason, people from this region did not garner much respect from the general public in Jesus’ time. Nevertheless, they were the perfect candidates for the Holy Spirit. It was important on this special day that no one doubt the power of the Holy Spirit in action. The first miracle of Pentecost was the speaking of languages of all the peoples present there. This is of uttermost importance. It changed everything for the disciples. It changed how they understood God’s Truth in this world. They were right in asking the question; what does this mean?

A language is not just words joined together in a grammatical order. It is a treasury and library of traditions, concepts and beliefs of each culture. The disciples of Jesus were Jewish. They believed that God can only be addressed in their liturgical language which was Hebrew. It was not because they believed their language was superior. Many of them knew Greek. They were aware of its sophisticated philosophy and literature. However, they were convinced that God chose Hebrew as the language to transmit His Truth to the world. It contain the symbols and concepts necessary to comprehend the Truth about God. However, in an instance, all this changed when God’s Spirit gave people the miraculous capacity to speak and proclaim God’s praise in all the languages of the world. The sacred was no longer a property of one language. It is present in different traditions and cultures. Every people group have within them the capacity to receive and express the Truth within the context of their own cultural experience. In other words, God was no longer the exclusive right of one nation or people but His Truth is universally present everywhere. Consequently, Jesus is not just the Messiah of the Jewish people but Jesus is the Messiah of all peoples in the world. This radically changed the way the disciples understood the person of Jesus. It changed how they treated people from different religious traditions or nationalities. It broke down the walls which separated people. They did not go to other peoples to debate or convince them that Jesus was the Messiah. They went searching for the Messiah revealed in other traditions. It was not necessary for the world to become Jewish to receive Jesus. They just have to discover that Jesus is present where they are spiritually as a people.

Jesus prepared the disciples beforehand for the ministry of the Holy Spirit. He said that the Spirit will reveal the truth about Him. Consequently, the Spirit led them into the world where they discovered the true nature of Jesus. Despite this, there was still the temptation to restrict Jesus to a certain tradition and culture. In the New Testament, this struggle was obvious. It is still present today. Each group wants to present a Messiah created according to their own image. However, the voice of the Holy Spirit beckons us to come and meet and rediscover the true Jesus. He is not hiding from anyone. He is always present in an active way. The problem is that we do not ask the right questions in order to find Him. Many times, we are impressed with the dismay and chaos around us. Many times, we imposed our version of the Truth instead of listening to what the other has to say about their lives and spiritual encounter with God.

We ran into Alex a couple of days ago. Some of you may remember him. Some might have written to him. Alex was a severely neglected child who displayed autistic like behavior when we first met him. However, it was not autism. Alex was so neglected that he did not know how to react or respond to another human being. Well, he is no longer a child now. We have known him for almost nine years. He is going to turn twenty soon. He came up to us and gave us a hug. This is something new. He even said that he missed us a lot. He still sleeps in the streets but has found a job as an informal night watch person. They hardly pay him anything. In fact, they are exploiting him. In spite of this, Alex likes the fact that he does not need to beg anymore. He reminded us that his birthday is around the corner. For several years now, Alex always wants to spend his birthday with us. He always wants us to take him somewhere and on many occasions, this did not work out. Once it rained heavily. On another occasion we were away. The reality is that we only spent one birthday with him but we always made sure that he had something for his birthday. He always asked for the same thing, a notebook, despite the fact that he is illiterate. He likes to ask people to write his notebook. He also likes people to know that we gave it to him. Alex has given us a special place in his heart. However, it was not always like this. He used to ignore us whenever we saw him. Sometimes he would not say anything when we spoke to him. Initially we thought that he was rude. Thankfully the Holy Spirit taught us how to speak his language.

On one occasion Alex stopped us and asked if he could draw with us. He really wanted to share an experience with us. It was a time when he rode a horse. The orphanage where he stayed briefly organized an excursion to a ranch. He had never seen a horse till then. It was a special moment for him. His face was full of life when he shared that moment with us. It was not about the horse. Alex’s life has been a sequence of tragic loss. All his memories of his family were ones of sadness but the experience with the horse made him realize that there are moments of hope and love too. We listened to him. It was a precious moment for us as well. He spoke eloquently and the Holy Spirit gave us understanding that in his simple words he was sharing something sacred with us.

Alex is a different person now. He has changed. He is able to say that he likes us. He is able to express love. He is a new creature. He wanted to get our number so that we can arrange to meet him on his birthday which is in a few months time. Alex has no concept of time. Nevertheless, he has a strong concept of Love and it started with a horse. Thankfully, the Holy Spirit opened our eyes to see that the Love of God in this simple encounter that this young man had with an animal. It was the bridge that Alex needed to be connected with us. We did not discover any deep theological thought with Alex neither did we discover new doctrines about Jesus. We just encounter the living Jesus whenever we are together with him. This alone suffices to make us feel that life is indeed rich and beautiful.

This is what it means.

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Being United with Lovely People

“The glory that you have given me I have given them, so that they may be one, as we are one, I in them and you in me, that they may become completely one, so that the world may know that you have sent me and have loved them even as you have loved me.” John 17:25-26

There was an elderly retired English missionary in my first parish in the coastal city of Santos, just about an hour away from this city of São Paulo. The church was built as a chapel for the English who came to construct the railway system in Brazil. Most of them eventually left but a handful remained and the church continued to minister to these remnants. It wasn’t an easy place to start my ministry. Betty knew it. Her husband was my predecessor. He passed away just a few months after he retired as the parish priest. Initially, they came to Brazil as missionaries to the seafarers. For almost forty years, their home was a place of refuge for seafarers seeking a safe and loving environment to rest before embarking on another long journey. Life for this couple never was easy. There were moments Betty wanted to give up and return home to England. After all this, she promised herself that she would do everything within her power to make sure others would not go through what she did. She was always there for us. She was always in the background doing small things which might seem insignificant for others but they brought much joy and peace to our lives. Her home was our refuge. She always had a pot of tea and some English cookies. We would just sit and chat for hours. Whenever we left her cozy apartment, we felt ready to face whatever challenges awaited us.

One day she confided to me, “Reverend, I know my time is near. I hope that I did my part in showing God’s love and kindness in this world but one can never be sure. I have been a selfish person many times and I pray that God will forgive me.” Betty was not being modest. She was being honest. Her attitude did not come as a surprise to me. She walked in the company of the saints of the past. They always sensed the love of God in such a deep and profound way that they knew whatever they did would never reflect the tiniest fraction of the love and generosity they have received from God. Betty passed away peaceful the same year we returned to Brazil. She continues to be alive in our soul. I think about her always, especially when we serve in the streets now.

I think I have said enough about the unruly newcomers in the streets in the past few weeks. Suffice to say that they are like the characters from William Golding’s novel, “Lord of the Flies.” It might sound like I exaggerating but I actually might be understating. It does not mean that these children are worse than the previous ones. By no means this is true. They are exactly the same. They are just children hungry for something but it is not bread which they seek. They have stolen even gold chains to turn stone into bread. It appears now that the novelty is slowly wearing off and the excitement of getting away with thievery is growing old. The tempter’s lure is becoming weaker and the children are seeing the wisdom of Jesus’ answer to the devil,

“One does not live on bread alone but every word that proceeds from God.” Matthew 4:4

In the streets, there are tons of preachers screaming at the top of their voices the written word of God. The new children are within hearing distance of these people. Yet, they are untouched by the message. These are just empty words recited without compassion nor love, many times seasoned with anger and bitterness. Jesus spoke about the Living Word. It brings life and hope and can be only be encountered when Love is present. Our children need to be fed with this love so that their agitated souls could be brought to calm and peace. However, the challenge is learning how to communicate this love to them. One would think that we should be experts on this subject by now. After all, we have being doing this for almost ten years. However, anyone who claims expertise on any subject relating to human behavior does so from a distance, isolated from reality. Whenever we are faced with actual living human beings, we realize that there is no easy formula. Love cannot be reduced to a strategy. Every child is different. Every person is unique. Each one sees and understands Love differently. We need to learn the best way to communicate to them. Thankfully, we have met many Bettys in our life. They know exactly what to do in times like these. They would do the same thing that they have always done. They would serve and love quietly in the background. This is our approach; to unite ourselves with those whose lives reflect the Presence of the Living Word. We follow the footsteps of Betty.

The children and the young adults are always fascinated with art. We decided to bring some material which would teach them how to draw. Unfortunately, nobody wanted to try it. They just ignored us initially. Then one came and then another slowly approached us. Mainly because we are always there in the background. The drawing intimidates them. They asked if they could color with us. One of them who behaved like a vicious robber a few weeks ago now sits and and colors with us. Each day when we arrive, she asks us to sit with her so that she could color. She never says a word but every time we can see that she enjoys being with us. Then, there is Henrick. I have to say this teenager is quite annoying. He likes to whine in the most irritating manner, not a very likable character. To my surprise, he sat next to me and asked if he could try drawing. We have known this boy for almost five years and he never took an interest in us. I taught him how to do it. I am not an artist by no means but I am getting better at following instructions. He drew a face of a bulldog. It looked more like one which had suffered massive head injuries but it didn’t matter. He did it. Then he asked me if he could draw something else on the condition that I help him. He did not want to do it alone. Then as he was drawing, he shared a story. He shared the story of Job with me. He said that he heard it in a rap music. He found it meaningful that Job did not turn against God despite all the pain and suffering. He shared about his family and it was obvious he suffers deeply from his mother’s rejection of him. After he completed his drawing, he said that he felt spiritually recharged. It was like being in a retreat, he said. He came back several times to thank me for the time together. He is not as annoying as I thought he was, well maybe a little less, but I like him now.

We are going through a lot of drama in the streets now. However, there is never a lack of drama in life especially in churches and politics. In the midst of all these Jesus beckons us to be united in Love; a unity which is sadly lacking in many churches. Nevertheless, in every parish whether big or small, there are people like Betty working in the background. Sometimes, smaller churches are blessed with more than their fair share of these people. These saints never changed what they are doing no matter what happens in the world around. Scandals come and go. Disagreeable people eventually leave. The “Bettys” of this world remain in the background to show love and care to everyone they meet. I am grateful that I have met enough of these saints to know that the unity which Jesus prayed about is not unity in a general manner but being joined together with the spirit of these saints who display God’s love no matter what happens. Their love brings peace and tranquility to the hearts of those whom they touch. They feed hungry souls who are seeking for than the bread this world offers. If you know a Betty in your parish, give her a hug for us. Let her know that her example is helping us to become better servants to these lost and hungry children. Her example and life is instrumental in any ministry done in the Name of the gospel.

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Trying Not to be a Fool

But the Advocate, the Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in my name, will teach you everything, and remind you of all that I have said to you. Peace I leave with you; my peace I give to you. I do not give to you as the world gives. Do not let your hearts be troubled, and do not let them be afraid. John 14:26-27

Sometimes he can be charming but most of the time he tends to be annoying although not in an offensive way. I was very much like him at his age. Gabriel is not new to the streets. He showed up just before the Pandemic started. He was ten then. No one knows anything about him. We do not know if he came from a neglected home or an orphanage. He is kind of a mischievous kid who is either high from sniffing paint thinner or playing the fool. Most likely it is his way of dealing with his harsh reality. He decided to plant himself between Josiel and myself which irritated us to say the least. Josiel had a hard week and he was in the middle of sharing something important and then Gabriel disrupted the momentum of the conversation for no apparent reason except perhaps his extreme neediness.

Josiel is one of the youths who decided on his own to abandon criminality. He has been in the streets since he was a child but most of it was spent in the juvenile detention center. We always thought that he was one of the youths deeply ingrained in crime. Therefore, we were pleasantly surprised when he approached us for help to buy one of those delivery bags, to be frank, I am not sure what they are called. They look like a huge thermal box with straps. He had registered online with a food delivery company. He had a bicycle but needed the delivery bag. It was quite costly. Naturally, we offered our aid. The older teens are aware that we are here to help them even financially if they want to make good and healthy life choices. However, we were not sure how it was going to work out because it was the first time for him to do something as such. As we all know, it is not always easy to do something new. He proved us wrong. He got into his work without any problems. He showed me the amount of money he had earned. He gets paid according to the number of deliveries. He was ecstatic. He said that he was feeling so much better and happier than he did not need to resort to crime for anything.

Unfortunately, someone (not from the streets) stole his bicycle and to add insult to injury, his debit card was stolen along with all his savings. This was such a blow and we were worried that he might get discouraged and go back to crime. This was exactly what he thought about doing, he said. He felt it was pointless to walk the straight and narrow and was almost on the brink of giving up when he said “No!”. He was going to choose life.
He rented a bicycle using an app and started delivering food again. He confessed that his bicycle was bought with money from crime. Now, he is given a chance to start with a clean slate. He is going to save and buy a new bicycle with honest money and not allow anything from his criminal past to move forward with him into the future. We were quite proud of him. It showed much maturity on his part.

He was about to open up about his mother suffering domestic violence when Gabriel got in the middle of us. As if this wasn’t enough, the young boy kept staring at my ear in a bizarre manner which was extremely distracting and annoying. Finally I had to stop Josiel and ask Gabriel what he was doing. He wanted to know if my earrings were gold. In the streets, this is generally a rude question. It usually is taken as threat to steal. I asked Gabriel why this was important. He responded by saying that if it was gold, he was going to steal it from me. I asked him to leave us because he was being disrespectful. Josiel added that it wasn’t the way to speak to us. Nevertheless, Gabriel was defiant and walked away angrily, making some rude comments.

“For though I am not splenitive and rash, yet have I in me something dangerous, which let thy wisdom fear.” William Shakespeare, Hamlet

I was truly unsettled by this sudden turn of events and even Josiah noticed it. Gabriel’s disrespectfulness quickened something in me that I would rather be dormant. Witnessing people getting robbed constantly wears us emotionally and spiritually. It saddens our souls to see that we are living in such demonic times. This is not to suggest that there are strange and sinister non-material beings wandering around causing mayhem. I refer to our Lord’s definition to what I consider as demonic activity.

Jesus turned and said to Peter, “Get behind me, Satan! You are a stumbling block to me; for you are setting your mind not on divine things but on human things.” Matthew 16:23

The world becomes more demonic when everyone acts according to what they deem as right in their own eyes. The new group of children believe that it is right for them to steal from unsuspecting victims. They have a way of justifying their vile actions. The police believe that hard brutal violence resolves everything. They justify their corrupt behavior. The people think that harsh prison and death penalty is the way to go. They have a means of justifying their self righteousness. Everyone operates on their own privatized moral codes without realizing that they are succumbing to the seductive charms of the devil. Peter thought he was saying a good thing to Jesus. In reality, he was just acting according to his base human desires.

It would be foolish of me to think that I am immune from this environment. There are demonic voices constantly enticing us to join in their chorus of hatred and rejection in this world. Gabriel’s actions stirred something within me. They opened a floodgates of unwholesome thoughts. They made me sad.

As I was on my way home, I met Wallace. He has begging outside a store. He has been selling mineral water for weeks to survive but we are presently experiencing unseasonal cold weather. Consequently, no one is craving icy cold mineral water in the streets. For Wallace, this is a loss of income and he decided to beg for money to buy food. I stopped and talked with him and told him what had happened. He said that Gabriel is being influenced by these new batch of children. Furthermore, he said, in the streets, you need to guard yourself from these influences if not they will lead into a path of self destruction. These are wise words. They are valid even for me. I got Wallace something to eat and we hugged and said goodbye. I pondered upon his words as I made my way home.

In this world, the demonic voices scream and shout at us, beckoning us to follow their lead. Sometimes they are very convincing in their arguments if we buy into their philosophy. To be unaware of this diabolic presence would be foolishness. On the hand, having a caricatural image of demons devised by popular and superstitious notions doesn’t help. These demons are not from without, they are present when we look into the mirror. They are pining to be released from the depth of our being. We can give in to them by feeding them with the lies which we hear and hatred that lies dormant in our hearts. Each time we dehumanize people with unflattering labels, we are strengthening this sinister presence in us. Gabriel is just a little kid lost in this world. Sometimes it is hard to see the real state of things. This is why Jesus sent us an Advocate. However, He can only help us if we listen to Him. Today He spoke to me through Wallace.

The next day when we arrived at the street, we saw Gabriel siting on a bench waiting. He ran up to us and asked us to forgive him. It brought such joy to my heart. He was trying to explain that he would never do anything to hurt us. I stopped him. I told him that it was unnecessary. Apparently, he had spent the night listening to the Advocate too. We hugged him. He wanted to color something with us. It was freezing cold. Not the best day to sit in the open and color while the strong cold winds were trying to convince us otherwise. I told him that we can play a game when it is warmer. It was enough to convince him that he was truly forgiven. It was enough to convince me that the Advocate is going to guide us as we walk into territories where angels fear to thread. There is only one voice we need to heed. He speaks quietly in this world of loud and obnoxious demons. We just need to be more attentive.

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