Now all the tax-collectors and sinners were coming near to listen to him. And the Pharisees and the scribes were grumbling and saying, “This fellow welcomes sinners and eats with them.” Luke 15:1-2
A Funeral
Some one very close to us passed away this week. It was Patricia. It came as a shock. I still haven’t processed it yet. Maybe I am not quite ready to do it. Thankfully, Mary was able to write a brief reflection about her and I will include it here.
At the funeral, I wore my clergy attire. Almost none of our youth has ever seen me in my priestly gear, except for Patricia’s daughter. I used it to visit her mother in the intensive care unit when she suffered a stroke last year. It is interesting that they did not make any comments about it. They just accepted it as something normal. The wake gathered some of Patricia’s immediate relatives. None of them have been present in her life since she was a teenager living in the streets. None of them visited her in the hospital when she had a stroke. None offered any help when she was partially paralysed. However, they were all present at the funeral. They were a little taken aback when I asked for the youth to gather around the casket. These young people were there for Patricia. I saw their tear stained faces looking at me waiting to hear what I had to say. Mary was among them. Each and everyone of them helped Patricia the best way they could. The last year Patricia was showered with so much love. No one can say that she departed this life not knowing that she was loved. I said several prayers improvised from the funeral rite of our Prayer Book. I did a short reflection about God’s judgment and grace taken from the gospel (Matt. 25:31-40). I emphasized that these were the words of Jesus and not a doctrine invented by my church or any other church. At this point, I will insert Mary’s reflection because it bears the essence of my simple message at the funeral.
Mary’s Reflection
For I was hungry and you gave me something to eat, I was thirsty and you gave me something to drink, I was a stranger and you invited me in. Matt. 25:35
Patricia’s heart stopped beating three times on Sunday afternoon. Now she is with our Lord.
We met Patricia in the city square where we used to spend time with the kids. She and her children and their children lived in a tent which they had to move according to the whims of the police in the area. Over time our relationship with this three generational family grew and we were privileged to be part of their journey from their tent to a small rented room.
In this room, the size of my living room, Patricia received many of the homeless kids and shared whatever she had to eat and whatever space was left over in their two beds. When we came over, she would make a pot of coffee for us, too.
Last year Patricia suffered a stroke and was no longer able to make coffee for us or to cook for the others, but that never could stop her from opening her heart and home to whoever showed up at her door.
I was a stranger and you invited me in. Matt. 25:35
Patricia became our friend never allowing our differences of education, class, or nationality stand in the way. Whenever we visit Florida, the nice people in the churches say we are blessing to the people on the street but they would be surprised how Patricia’s gracious acceptance of us is a rare and special thing, even though we are foreigners and I (Mary) have strong accent and make numerous mistakes in my Portuguese. Sometimes folks in the church can not get past our foreignness to see the real people we are. This was never an issue with Patricia. She accepted us as her good friends.
Today, we remember Patrica and how she invited us in. So thank you, Patrica, and goodbye.
Well done, good and faithful servant!
After the Funeral
The funeral was held at the end of the world. For us and the homeless youth anywhere beyond the center of the city is no man’s land. After the burial was done, Patricia’s blood relatives got into their cars and drove off. The rest of us had to walk about thirty minutes to catch a train. Obviously, Mary and I could have caught an Uber and made it back home in 40 minutes. However, we decided to walk back with the youth. It ended up taking about three hours to get home.
Cida walked up next to me and asked where Patricia was at this moment. She told me that she hoped that Patricia had said the so-called “sinner’s prayer” so that her soul would have been saved. I knew exactly who told her this. Cida herself had just buried her infant daughter a few months ago. We were going to buy her a tub for her baby and ended up paying for a tombstone. Therefore, it wasn’t just plain curiosity on Cida’s part. She needed to know if God is merciful enough to receive Patricia into His arms. It made me sad and angry at the same time. Sad that our youth are being tormented by doctrine purely based on speculation. Angry because the people who spread these doctrines never lift a finger to help these youths in their moments of need. Tomorrow, Patricia’s daughter, Taina will be in danger of losing her room and becoming homeless again with her three children. Purveyors of these doctrines are never found at these moments.
I told Cida that no one knows what happens to the soul. This is beyond our limits of understanding. However, we can take comfort in Jesus. He is real and present. He taught us that God is a Loving Father. I shared with her that we need to discard this false image of God who is angry and needs to be appeased for our sins. At this moment, the parable of the prodigal son came to my mind. However, I think that the parable is really about the Loving Father more than anything else. The sons, the younger and the older, never appreciated nor understood the Father. They thought of the Father as someone preventing them from enjoying life. Even the young son’s decision to return was not based on the knowledge of the Father’s love. He formulated an argument to convince His Father to accept him. He never knew the Father who waited anxiously for him to return even though he spent his entire life with Him. His decision to return to the Father’s home was just as egoistic as his decision to leave. They were both based on self-preservation. Nevertheless, the Father accepted him back lovingly. The Father did not care what brought the Son back. He was overjoyed that he was back. This is the main focus of the parable; not the younger son and much less the older son. The parable asks us if we understand the Father’s unconditional love. God is not waiting for us to fail. He just wants us to understand that He loves us unconditionally. The so-called “sinner’s prayer” is not our savior. If anything, it reduces the wealth of the gospel message. God the Father is the loving God who sent His Son into this world so that we will know that we are loved and accepted unconditionally. Jesus is the manifestation of God’s powerful and creative Love to the world. The resurrection is proof of God’s creative Love. It takes a hopeless situation and transforms it into something new, joyous and eternal. Therefore anyone who receives this unconditional creative Love cannot but be transformed by it. This Love is too powerful to be ignored and too creative not to provoke change in our lives.
This is the Father who is going to receive Patricia. He has always been with her. He has guided her through the worst moments of her Life. According to the parable Jesus taught, God the Father is not going to wait for arguments to accept Patricia. He has accepted her already before she even knew it.
Taina called us after a few days. She needs some help with the rent. We promised that we would help with what we could. However, she really just used it as an excuse to say that she really missed her mother. She told us that her mother always wanted to spend time with us even when she was partially paralyzed. We shed tears together. We will move on because we are confident that our Loving Father will fill our hearts with the creative love to move forward.