The Tale of Two Sisters

For they that are after the flesh do mind the things of the flesh; but they that are after the Spirit the things of the Spirit.-Romans 8:5

And be not conformed to this world: but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind, that ye may prove what is that good, and acceptable, and perfect, will of God.- Romans 12:2

There were two girls who ran away to the streets before they turned ten. One was an orphan and her parents died when she was five. She and her brothers were placed in an overcrowded state orphanage. Her brothers were the first to run away to the streets. She did not want to be separated from them and followed suit. However, by the time she got there, her brothers were caught for stealing and put in a youth detention center. The young girl ended up all alone in the streets.

The other girl’s mother did not want her the moment she gave birth to her. She was despised and abused from the day she was born. She suffered physical and sexual abuse by those who were supposed to love and protect her. The day she ran away to the streets was one of the most joyous occasions in her life. She was finally free from abuse and hatred. She ran away to the streets because it was safer. In the streets, she found herself to be all alone armed with the determination to survive not matter what it took.

Both girls were in the streets at the same time. They were never friends or enemies. They shared the same life experiences. The streets was a safe haven for them. It was a place where they were exposed to all dangers of society and yet, compared to what they have experienced in life, they found it be a place of freedom. However, both girls realized that freedom was not enough. Being free from an oppressive situation brings comfort, but freedom needs to lead to something better. They wanted to have the freedom to choose life. All they had experienced so far was death and they knew that they were meant for something better. They never met and yet they were sisters. They were bonded by a common experience and pain. They belonged to the same world of the street life.

We knew these two young girls in the streets. Now they are both mothers and wives. They found a way out of the streets. One struggles to pay the bills every month. She never has been able to keep a steady job. She finds it hard to persevere when the situation gets tough. Even though she has been out of the streets for ten years, the temptation to give up everything and return to the streets is strong. She knows how to survive there. Her husband is a good man. He works as odd job laborer. It is hard for him to find steady employment. Life is a long and uphill journey for them. They are determined to survive.

The other girl is also married and has a child. Her first husband left her and she struggled as a single mother for a while. She never felt that she was a good mother and her ex-husband took full custody of her child. She did not fight it. She has remarried. This time her husband is a lawyer. He is much older than her. He treats her well and encourages her to better herself academically. She is studying law and hopefully in the next year she will graduate. She had nothing when she went to the streets and now she lives in a luxurious apartment and drives a fancy car. She has even been to Europe on several occasions. Looking at her now, it would be hard to imagine that she actually lived in the streets until she was eleven. Both girls came from the streets but now their lives appear to be miles apart from each other. However, they are still sisters.

Whenever I share the stories of these young women, I usually get applause for the achievements of the young woman who is graduating from Law school. People do not know how to respond to other woman’s present status. Both women are only different because of their financial status. This is a superficial difference and it is not relevant. However, if we judged them according to the standards of the world, one would be classified as successful and the other would not be classified as anything. No one would consider her a success. The standards of the world are cruel and superficial. They separate people into classes of winners and losers. Even if we try to avoid classifying people as losers, the applause is always reserved for the winners. Unfortunately these worldly standards are found in the thinking of the church. The way we preach the gospel has been influenced. It is not the gospel of Jesus. It is more like the gospel of the middle class where success is based on economics. We need to move away from gauging success in this manner: we have to change our standards. This can only happen when we allow the Spirit to transform our way of thinking. It is not pretending to see something different from the world. We cannot pretend to set our minds on the things of the Holy Spirit. We can pray and wait for the Holy Spirit to open our hearts and minds. The perspective of the Holy Spirit makes the all the difference in our ministry. It helps us see the true treasure in the lives of these two sisters.

I refrain from using names for these two sisters because they are both are very dear to us. We have known them for almost twenty years. We see and speak with them often. One even addresses us as “mom” and “dad”. We are proud of both of them. The one who struggles financially also struggles with her faith. She does not doubt God. She does not doubt His presence in her life. She doubts her own worthiness. She wonders if she will ever amount to something good. Her saving grace is her daughter. Her daughter is giving her the strength to persevere even when everything seems to go wrong. She is discovering her meaning in this life. She is aware that the life is hard and the struggles might never get easier. However, she also knows that despite her doubts God will guide her through it.

The future lawyer has all the luxuries of this world at her disposal but she shares the same struggles with her street sister. She doubts her own self worth. Years of abuse and neglect have made her doubt own self-worth. No one can convince her that she is worthy of love. She needs to be constantly renewed by the gracious love of our God to realize her worth for herself. She struggles daily and struggles alone like her sister. Both sisters know that no one can truly understand their fears and loneliness except for God who knows them better than they know themselves. They are fully aware of this Truth. This is what we consider as success. We hope all our children and teens living in the streets will share this conviction. We would be happy and satisfied if we could contribute to their awareness of this Truth. Both sisters are successful because of this knowledge. They will survive in this world regardless of the challenges before them. They might never meet again in this world but they share a God who knows and loves them more than we can ever imagine.

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Our Eternal Address

When Jesus saw Nathanael approaching, he said of him, “Here truly is an Israelite in whom there is no deceit.” “How do you know me?” Nathanael asked.
Jesus answered, “I saw you while you were still under the fig tree before Philip called you.” Then Nathanael declared, “Rabbi, you are the Son of God; you are the king of Israel.” Jesus said, “You believe because I told you I saw you under the fig tree. You will see greater things than that.” He then added, “Very truly I tell you, you will see ‘heaven open, and the angels of God ascending and descending on the Son of Man.” -John 1:47-51

We saw an older man talking to Dreyson as we approached the steps of the cathedral. We were naturally curious. The children are diehard gossips and we knew someone would eventually let us know what was happening. Sure enough, one of them blurted out that the man was Dreyson’s father before we could even sit down on the steps. It was then that we were formally introduced. The father must have been in his late forties but his hard life made him look older. The father was visibly upset. He had come to convince Dreyson to go home today but it was obvious that it wasn’t going to happen.

We met Dreyson about two years ago. I remember the day clearly. On his first day in the streets, he came up to me and told me his name. Then he asked me not to forget it. I made it a point to write it down. The next day he came up and asked if I remembered his name which I did. He smiled and then went away. He has been streets ever since and for two years no one has come looking for him. Today was the first time we saw anyone from his household here. Dreyson made up his mind that he wasn’t going home today. His father could not understand why his son would prefer to sleep in the streets. He kept telling us that in his house he has internet and video games and even cable TV. He saw no reason why Dreyson would not want to go home. I told the father that the only person who knows the answer is his son. The father thought that it was drug addiction. His son sniffs paint thinner in the streets. This was something he started using in the streets. It did not him bring here. His father kept insisting that Dreyson return to his home but his son started closing up and finally he just walked away.

I took the father aside and suggested that he try a different approach. I suggested that he come once a week to the streets and just take his son out for a snack and just spend time with him. He could talk about what is going on at home and his brothers and sisters. Perhaps bit by bit his son would open up to him. I was little taken aback when his father said that he wasn’t going to do this. He wanted his son to just return home today. Unfortunately, things do not work this way. He could force Dreyson to go with him but he knows that his son will just turn and around and return to the street. I was a little disappointed that his father did not want to take the time to rebuild his son’s confidence.

His father eventually gave up and left. The other children and teens were upset with Dreyson that he did not return home as well. They said that if any of their parents came looking for them they would go home. It was actually quite a sad revelation. None of the parents have come looking for their sons and daughters. Many have spent many Christmases in the streets. No one has ever come to see them during this time. I think this must be the biggest blow to them. They are forgotten even by their families. Dreyson was thirteen when he came to the streets. It took two years for his father to come to the streets. Apparently, it was a bit too late.

We were reading the above biblical text for our team’s meditation. We usually read a passage from the gospel of John before going out into the streets. It is part of our work ritual. I have heard preachers put a mystical spin about Jesus seeing Nathaniel sitting under the tree. The text itself does not say that Jesus had a vision of Nathaniel but it implies that Jesus literally saw the young man and noticed him. Jesus was able to see something in this young man that perhaps others had just ignored. Jesus saw a young person who was honest and sincere. The whole incident had an tremendous effect on Nathanael. He immediately recognized something divine about Jesus. It did not take much to impress this young man. Even Jesus was surprised by Nathanael’s reaction. His reaction reveals something about the culture of the period. It is not much different from today. Most people, then and now, go through life without ever being noticed. In the land of Jesus, it wouldn’t be unusual to sit under a fig tree. In fact, it seems like a most rational thing to do in a hot climate. Nathanael was one of the many but Jesus noticed him and now he is remembered after two thousand years.

Dreyson can appreciate what Nathanael felt. He wants to be noticed. He does not want to be lost in the crowd. All the children know his name. He is one of the few children without a nickname. Nicknames are common in Brazilian culture. I am known as the longed haired guy among the homeless adults. It is not usually offensive. It is something cultural. However, Dreyson wants everyone to know his actual name. It is not just Dreyson. All the children and teens want us to address them by their given names. They feel special when we remember their names. It means that they are somebody to us. They will respond positively to anyone who recognizes their personhood. As good and special as this seems, we cannot stop here. This is not why we are here.

The gospel is more than this. If we stop at just recognizing the personhood of Dreyson or any of the children, then we are doing a great disservice to them. There is something greater. Jesus thought that Nathanael was setting his standards too low. He did not just come here to notice forgotten people. He came to connect us to another reality, a reality that is going to give us a firm footing in this transitory world.

The image of angels ascending and descending on the Son of Man is a reference to an Old Testament story of Jacob. Jacob lost his home and family and was forced into exile. It was at this moment when he was completely lost and alone that he saw this vision. This vision was a message of hope for a man who thought that his situation was hopeless. Jacob was disconnected from the world but God connected him to a reality that is permanent and non-transitory. Our children in the streets live a transitory life. Everything changes on a daily basis. Their friends come and go. Their families don’t seem to be able to provide the sense of belonging that they desire. They want to belong to someone or something. They want to be part of something special. They are vulnerable. They are willing to give themselves away to anything that would guarantee some sort of permanence. This is why we have to be clear in our purpose. We are not here to just give a sense of personhood. There is something greater and deeper than our self-esteem. It is a new identity in the eternal reality and Jesus is the One who is going to connect us. The children need to discover through faith. It is faith that will help them see this new reality. The first step is recognizing that they are individuals. They have to know that they are not mistakes. Their names mean something special to God. The next step is help them draw closer to discovering this eternal ladder that connects them to an eternal address. Our children and teens, just like us, are looking for a place where their souls will feel at peace. This is the promise of the gospel. Jesus wants to connect them to a reality where they can feel secure and grow into the person God has created them to become. Our task is to help them move in this direction. This is why we are here.

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The Mystery of Prayer

Very truly I tell you, whoever believes in me will do the works I have been doing, and they will do even greater things than these, because I am going to the Father. And I will do whatever you ask in my name, so that the Father may be glorified in the Son. You may ask me for anything in my name, and I will do it.- John 14:12-14

We walked around the square looking for the children today but no one was around. We know some of the places where they beg for money and went looking for them there instead. We found Breno and Filipe. They were sitting outside a bakery which sells artisanal bread. Breno’s face lit up when he saw us. He jokingly asked me for one dollar. I pretended to give him some change and then he pulled his hand back. He really thought that I was going to give him some money and he did not want any of it. He did not want that kind of relationship with us. He smiled when he realized that I was just joking. Filipe asked us to wait for them at the Cathedral steps. This has been our meeting place for the past month. We have been doing all our activities there.

We sat and waited for them at the steps and it didn’t take long before other children and teens started appearing. They asked to play a game of Uno. This has been our common practice the past few weeks. However, today, we did not bring Uno with us. This was deliberate. It was time for something new. Today, we wanted to just sit and talk with them and maybe do some art. At first, they were disappointed. Nevertheless, they remained at the steps with us. Initially they did not want to anything else. We took out a coloring book and started coloring instead by ourselves. Their curiosity perked and eventually one by one they started asking if they could join us in coloring. However, Dreyson did not want to color but he wanted to talk instead. He started asking questions about Mary’s childhood and Maine where she grew up. We have known Dreyson for almost two years. He ran away to the streets when he was 13. He hardly speaks to us, mainly because he is always high on paint thinner. We were surprised when he started asking things about us. He was also curious about our relationship and how long we have been married. He shared some about his experiences and the places he visited with his father once upon a time. Something happened between his father and him which caused him to run away. We know that his father was a crack addict. We asked him if he was angry with his father and he nodded his head. He did not want to say anything much about it. We did not push him for more information. It is his story and he will tell us at the right time.

Ruan was sitting beside us during this whole time pretending to be coloring but was really eavesdropping . He is used to be terror in the streets. Despite being only 13, he is really big for his age and he used his size to bully others. He stole our deck of Uno cards before and started yelling profanities at us when we asked him to return them. Today, he has changed in the way he interacts with us. He has become more tender with us. He even obeys us whenever we insist that he try not use any profanity in our presence. He apologizes to Mary whenever a swear word slips out. This is a big change for him. He was sitting next to us listening to our conversation with Dreyson and it was obvious that he was beginning to get a little jealous. He wanted some attention from us as well but he was willing to wait for his turn. This is itself is a miracle.

Gabriel appeared out of nowhere and asked for a game of Uno. He has been our constant companion in the streets for the past few weeks. He is about fourteen and we have known him for a little over a year. We told that there was no Uno for today. He did not seem disappointed. He asked what we can do together. We suggested just talking and he smiled. We spoke about a variety of topics. Soon everyone was just talking like a family. The topics ranged from Christmas to things we liked and disliked. They shared about their homes and family members. They shared about some good experiences they had with their families and the homeless shelters where they stayed. They asked about the things we liked and wanted to know how we celebrated Christmas. One of them even asked if we had spent anytime in prison. Everyone they knew has been to prison so for them this wasn’t a strange question. This was the first time in two years where we just talked with children and teens without any activities. We wanted them to know that we just wanted to spend time with them and they blessed us by doing this exactly. When it was time to go, they complained that we were leaving too early. We had been there for almost three hours.

There has been a change in our ministry. Our relationships with the children and teens have grown stronger. They have taken the trouble to learn our first names. They call us, “Uncle Estive” and “Auntie Merie”. Both our names are difficult for Portuguese speakers to pronounce. The children and teens whom we once considered to be tough and closed have changed their demeanor towards us. We set strict limits when they are with us. They cannot use any chemical substances or use profane language when they do anything with us. They struggle with it and yet they don’t mind when we insist that they follow the rules. The positive change is obvious. Perhaps it is just the time we have spent in the streets. One could say that our relationships have evolved through time. In reality, time is neutral. It does not make things better or worse. There are people who have worked in the streets for many years and still do not have good relationships with the children. I think the changes are a result of prayer.

In one of my newsletters to the churches, I suggested that people adopt some of these children and pray for them. The concept of adoption wasn’t so much in the sense of financially sponsoring the children and teens. We did not want any finance involved in this process. We wanted people who felt called to pray and correspond with these children. Some people and churches responded to this challenge. Some wrote to me personally and asked for the names of specific children. I always gave the names of the toughest children and teens. It was interesting to see the effect taking place in some of these children. I am not saying that everything is wonderful and these children are now our best friends. I am saying that there is a change in their hearts. Some might say that it is coincidence. William Temple had the perfect answer for such people; “When I pray, coincidences happen, and when I don’t pray, they don’t.”

Jesus said that He will do whatever we ask in His Name. This verse has been abused and distorted ever since it was spoken. This is not a license to get what we want. His words are to meant to comfort our souls. Those who think such way have forgotten the preceding verses. Prayer is a gift to us to do greater things than Jesus did while He walked in this world. It sounds impossible because it is impossible. Only prayer can make this possible. Jesus never was able to touch the hearts of people thousands of miles away from Him when He walked this earth. Today, the church is able to do this through prayer. It is God’s way of helping us participate in something that seems impossible for us to do. It seems impossible to make a difference in the lives of people thousands of miles away. Those who have been praying for these little ones can be comforted to know that their concerns and compassion voiced to our Father are being honored. Anything done in the hopes of spreading the knowledge of God’s love is never in vain.

Ruan used to be a bully and disrespectful, but now he wants to spend time with us and is sometimes even willing to throw his paint thinner away to play games with us. Alan used to ignore us. Now he wants to spend time with us and asks about our lives. I could go on and on about the changes that have occurred. The most logical reason for these is prayer. This has been the major change in our approach since we started this ministry. More Christians are engaged with us in the streets through prayer. It is not magic. It is just the Holy Spirit opening our eyes to see His active presence in action. We are becoming more impressed with what God is doing. Prayer is opening our hearts and minds to God’s actions.

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Money in Ministry

“No one can serve two masters. Either you will hate the one and love the other, or you will be devoted to the one and despise the other. You cannot serve both God and money.”-Matthew 6:24

Aline is 18 years old. She has been in the streets since she was ten. Before this, she and her sister were taken away from her family and placed in a State-sponsored orphanage. She always said good things about the place but at the same time, she knew that it would never be her home. The orphanages can only accommodate children and teens until they are eighteen. Nothing in the system provides shelter for them after this age. Some are sent back home and some end up in the streets. Aline has spent most of her teenage life looking for a permanent home. As strange as it sounds, Aline ran away to the streets in search for a home. She tried staying with her mother for a while but she did not feel that she had a permanent place there. She never told us her reasons. She just said that it wasn’t her place. Aline is looking for something and she doesn’t have an idea what it is. She never had anyone to guide or help her to navigate through life. In many ways, she is not much different from any teenager who has just turned eighteen. The only difference is that she is living in the streets but now she is tired of it. She wants a place to call home.

It is possible for someone like Aline to rent a place in the center. It would not be ideal in any sense of the word. It is usually a small room with shared bathroom in an house and usually they will ask for an exorbitant rent for what they offer but it will still be affordable for her. Unfortunately, she doesn’t have a permanent job. She has been doing errands for people and managed to get by with the little they give her. In the beginning of this year, she made up her mind to free herself from any substance abuse. We are proud to say that she has managed this. I have known Aline for almost two years. She has become quite special to us. On her birthday, Mary baked a cake for her and she came to our apartment to celebrate the occasion. We didn’t not realize that this simple gesture initiated a new phase in our relationship. She began to open up to us. Recently, she invited us to watch a movie with her and then quickly stressed that we each should pay for our own way. This was her way of saying that she wanted to spend time with us and not take advantage of our finances. Now, Aline needs some money to rent a room. She has never asked for money from us. She has been sleeping in the streets for the past few days. She left her bag of clothes in our apartment. They were her only possessions and she was afraid that they might stolen while she is asleep at night. She sleeps with the other boys we know in the tunnel. They look up to her as an older sister. This is something temporary. She is looking for a small room to rent. As I already I mentioned before she had limited income. We have the money to help her. However, there is a problem because money is always problematic.

We feel comfortable buying a meal for someone. We would give money to buy clothes for someone. We give to charitable organizations without any hesitation. However, we find it difficult to hand money directly to someone who needs it. We feel uncomfortable and annoyed when someone asks for money. We prefer to look the other way or avoid any eye contact when we see someone begging at the traffic light. In our mind, we have tons of reasons for not giving money to someone directly. Most of them are valid reasons. We don’t want them to use the money unwisely. However, we never question ourselves if we use our money wisely. If we make an inventory of the things we spent our money, can we say honestly say that we spent our money wisely? Well, most of us, including myself, think that our money is our business. No one has the right to tell us how we should spend it. It is our money and we earned it. In reality, we need to question the truth of this mindset. Maybe if we are atheists, then we can believe this way. However, if we are people who take our faith seriously, then we need to ask ourselves who is the owner of our money? It is a question we need to ask on our knees. It is not a political or idealogical question. It is a spiritual one that only God can answer in our hearts. However, we need to be willing to listen to Him. The danger is that we might not like the answer He will give us.

In Jesus’ time, the Jewish people were exposed to all kinds of idolatry. However, Jesus never once said anything about these foreign gods. He only addressed one deity that has an universal appeal to all peoples. He called this deity, mammon. There is no indication that among the Jewish tradition that money had been personified in such a way. What He said radicalized his society. In the Old Testament, money was considered a visible sign of God’s blessings. Abraham, Job and Solomon were considered blessed and material wealth was one of the signs. In the gospel, Jesus, as usual, scandalizes everyone by revealing that money is a destructive god trying to compete with God. It has the potential to dominate anyone who tries to have the best of both worlds. It is impossible to serve both God and Mammon.

Idolatry is about power. It is usurping power from God. Money has the capability of giving us power. Those who have much wealth have less reasons to depend on God. It is not uncommon for people in an affluent society to think that everything can be resolved with money. It is not just the rich that think this way. Both rich and poor can be seduced by this false god. Warnings about the dangers of mammon are not limited to a certain class of people but to everyone who thinks that money is the answer to their problems. However, we live in this world and we need to use money to function in this world. We need to be careful how we use it. We need to have the right relationship with money.

“Naked came I out of my mother’s womb, and naked shall I return thither: the LORD gave, and the LORD hath taken away; blessed be the name of the LORD.”-Job 1:21

The was the attitude of Job in the Bible. It sums up the attitude of the righteous rich in the Old Testament. They were fully aware that their wealth did not belong to them. When it was taken from them, they did not put up a fuss and claim that it was their hard work and good business sense that helped them acquire their wealth. As Christians, we need to recognize that everything including opportunities to make and earn money comes to us through the grace of God. It has nothing to do with our personal merit but only the grace of God. Our money does not belong to us. It has been given to us to participate in God’s work. Even then, we cannot be foolish to think that money is a neutral force. Jesus did not think it was and this is why He identified it as a false god.

We hesitate to give money to the person begging because he might use the money for drugs or alcohol. This is a valid concern. However, it also good to consider the spiritual danger we are putting ourselves in if we refuse to give money away. If we keep the money for our purpose, we are exposing ourselves to greater spiritual danger. There is a spiritual force behind money that makes us depend solely on it. It has the tendency to make us think that we need money to have a secure and peaceful life. The more money we have the more we desire it. Eventually we will find ourselves pushing God in the corner of our lives where we go to Him whenever our money can’t do the job. This is the temptation money brings in our lives. Giving it away is God’s way of providing us a way out of this temptation.

No temptation has overtaken you except what is common to mankind. And God is faithful; he will not let you be tempted beyond what you can bear. But when you are tempted, he will also provide a way out so that you can endure it.-1 Cor. 10:13

God might be putting someone in our lives (apart from our families and friends) to share our money so that we can be saved from the power of money. As Christians, we are citizens of another Kingdom that functions radically different than this world. This world uses money to buy favors and assert influences. The Kingdom of God works against this principle. One of the ways we can use money according to the values of the gospel is to give it away.

I am not suggesting that you should give your money to the church or even this ministry or any missionary endeavor. Jesus never mentions any of this as an alternative. Also we should not hand out thousands of dollars to the person on the street. This still remains a unwise thing to do. However, we can follow the words of Jesus; “I tell you, use worldly wealth to gain friends for yourselves, so that when it is gone, you will be welcomed into eternal dwellings.”(Luke 16:9) The basis of our giving should be to enhance our relationships. However, this does not mean that relationships should be based on money. It shouldn’t be a paternalistic relationship where the giver assumes a superior position over the recipient. Mammon is very sneaky and can use altruistic means to dominate our soul. The only way to defeat this false god is allowing our hearts to be guided by the true and living God. We need to pray that Holy Spirit will open the door for a relationship with the person begging at the side of the street. It means treating the person like a human being. Our giving can open to the door for us to say a kind word. We can give in way to show that we desire more than monetary relationship with them. However, none of this would be possible without prayer. Our giving can only transmit God’s love if we open ourselves to be used by God in this way.

We want Aline to know us as people who love and care for her. This takes time. We don’t want to use mammon to accelerate this process. It does not have the power to do this. Only God can help us develop this relationship. The hold of mammon is dangerous for us and we don’t want it to contaminate our relationship with her. We will use money in our relationship with her. We will pray for wisdom and guidance. We desire our relationship to be based on love and nothing else. We don’t want to give mammon any room to determine the direction this friendship.

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A Shift in Focus

At the resurrection whose wife will she be, since the seven were married to her?”
Jesus replied, “Are you not in error because you do not know the Scriptures or the power of God? When the dead rise, they will neither marry nor be given in marriage; they will be like the angels in heaven. Now about the dead rising—have you not read in the Book of Moses, in the account of the burning bush, how God said to him, ‘I am the God of Abraham, the God of Isaac, and the God of Jacob’? He is not the God of the dead, but of the living. You are badly mistaken!” – Mark 12:23-27

This was supposed to be a trap. They wanted Jesus to admit the absurdity of the resurrection. The people who questioned Jesus did not believe in it. They did not believe in the life after death. For them, there exists only one reality which can be perceived by the senses. They came to this conclusion by a literal reading of scripture. They were the fundamentalists of Jesus’ time. These people still exist today. They are not the fundamentalist Christians. Today they call themselves different names. They are rationalists, secularists, and materialists. Each age has a different name for them. Their thoughts and ideas are not new. Nevertheless they still prevalent and influential. Many hold their views without even knowing it. In Jesus’ time, these opinions were held by the Sadducees. They only believed in the first five books of the Bible and since most of the Old Testament does not explicitly mention anything about life after death, they refused to acknowledge any possibility of such a notion.

The Sadducees brought a problem to Jesus and wanted him to give a solution. They thought that any solution that Jesus would propose would be unsatisfactory. They wanted to show how the concept of resurrection was incompatible with this reality. To their surprise, Jesus agreed with them. Resurrection cannot be comprehended with the values and principles of this existence. It ushers in something new. It presents a new way of looking at our reality.

“Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, the new creation has come: The old has gone, the new is here! “(2 Corinthians 5:17)

I was recently listening to a British comedian, Eddie Izzard, and in one of his routines he talked about Moses. Izzard, being an atheist, pointed out the absurdity of someone doing something because a bush told him to do. He is right. If someone wrote to me and said that she wanted to work in our ministry because her stove told her do so, I would recommend that she seek some help. I would not make her my leader like in the case of Moses. However, Moses did not speak to a bush. The bush pointed him to a new reality. The bush was a symbol that drew Moses to something greater than itself or even himself. Jesus used this as argument for the resurrection. He addressed Himself as the God of the deeper and more profound reality that moved Abraham, Isaac and Jacob to see beyond what was presented to them by their senses. They walked against the so-called common sense of their generation. This new reality put them at odds with their families and society. It radically changed the way they interacted in this world.

The early church members sold everything and lived in common. They were not communist or socialist, such notions did not even exist. These were not celibates or monks. They were regular people with families. They had regular jobs and some even had great properties. According to the standards of this world, they would be considered irresponsible. According to the New Creation, they were acting like the people of the resurrected Christ. They did not do this to make a social statement. They did this because their notion of life had changed radically. The resurrected Christ changed everything. He changed the nature of family. Complete strangers now became family to them. They no longer pursued wealth and power. They dedicated themselves to the service of God. Eventually some serious conflicts arose from this attempt. It was inevitable. The new creation has to function within the old. The old values came to haunt the early church and consequently caused much tension and distress. Much of the writings of the New Testament record the struggle of the community of the Resurrected Christ trying to live out the new creation in the materialistic world. If we find their struggles strange, maybe it is because we don’t have the same understanding they had of the resurrection. Maybe they can teach us something valuable that we have lost.

When Jesus told the sadducees that the physical resurrection is going to change the nature of our relationship with the opposite sex, it was a truly radical concept then and now. Jesus said that we would be like angels. Unfortunately, this has been trivialized by infantile imaginings of the dead growing wings and playing harps in the clouds, not to mention the sentimental hollywood pseudo-theology that has contaminated our thinking. Jesus is, in fact, saying that the resurrection changes our basic concept of relationships in this world.

The male-female relationship is a basic relationship. Even current times with dialogues and openness about alternative lifestyles cannot alter the reality of this basic relationship model. All relationships stem out from this foundational relationship. In our reality, this relationship has only been sexualized. Our cultural and societal values evolved based on a sexualized concept of this foundational relationship. Jesus has shaken this foundation with the Resurrection. It is no longer based on sexual or reproductive roles but on the new creation that Jesus ushers into our reality. One of the implications of this radical shift is reflected in the concept of the family in the New Testament. It was no longer limited to blood-family ties. Paul was the forerunner of this concept.

“Even if you had ten thousand guardians in Christ, you do not have many fathers, for in Christ Jesus I became your father through the gospel.” 1 Corinthians 4:15

Paul tried to live out the radical implication of the Resurrection. It doesn’t mean that he did it perfectly. If we are only looking for someone perfect, then Paul would not be the right person. We won’t find anyone perfect except for Jesus in the Bible. However, if we want to find someone who struggled to understand the broadness and depth of the Resurrection, then Paul is a good role model. He was limited by his cultural and social upbringing and yet he was an apostle and a father to the people whom he was taught from infancy to despise. He became the spiritual father to the Gentiles. This was a radical shift that only the reality of the resurrection could bring.

When God calls us to serve, whether it is in Brazil or in our local neighborhood, God is calling us to discover the reality of the resurrection. I have to point out that we would miss a great opportunity of knowing the power and wonder of the New Creation if we reduce Christian ministry to social work or just doing some charitable work. Christian ministry is a ministry that introduces the values of the resurrected reality into this world. It breaks the boundaries between us and them. We go into the world to receive and embrace strangers as family members. It is not something that will happen automatically. We are still living in the old creation. The values of the old creation are dominant here. It is hard for people to see something beyond the reality before them.

We have been here a little over two years. After two years of talking and spending time with the children and teens, they are beginning to see beyond our games and the art work we do with them. Recently, Gabriel, a fourteen year old, complained that we were not passing by during the weekend. The others joined in and said that they wanted us to spend more time with them. In reality, we have been spending more time with them than before. Some older teens have taken us aside and talked about their relationship problems with us: the kind of stuff one would talk about with one’s parent. They are figuring out that we are more than social workers. We realize that we want to become a family to the children and teens. However, it is a new kind of family. It is the family of the New Creation. There are no manuals or books written about this kind of family. The instructions on how to become this family are being written on a daily basis in our hearts by the Holy Spirit.

We cannot prove the Resurrection is true with persuasive arguments but we can live its reality and invite others to join us in this new reality.

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Being a Participant in the Real World

Then said I, Woe is me! for I am undone; because I am a man of unclean lips, and I dwell in the midst of a people of unclean lips: for mine eyes have seen the King, the Lord of hosts.Then flew one of the seraphims unto me, having a live coal in his hand, which he had taken with the tongs from off the altar: And he laid it upon my mouth, and said, Lo, this hath touched thy lips; and thine iniquity is taken away, and thy sin purged. Also I heard the voice of the Lord, saying, Whom shall I send, and who will go for us? Then said I, Here am I; send me.-Isaiah 6:5-8

An older Italian woman came to visit the work in the streets for the first time. She was volunteering with a Catholic organization that used to work alongside with us in the streets. I can clearly remember her first reaction even though it was fifteen years ago. She was visibly overwhelmed by what she saw; little children as young as eight years old had their mouths and noses in plastic bags filled with shoe glue. They were so drugged out that it was impossible to have a coherent conversation with them. The clothes they wore were filthy and tattered. Some slept on the sidewalks and used smelly and stained blankets to keep themselves warm. Some acted and behaved like wild children and tried to pickpocket any anyone who was passing by. They were in the middle of a busy square where thousands of adults walked pass them daily. Most of them avoided any eye contact with the children. They considered the children a nuisance. She was visibly disturbed by what she saw and it didn’t take long before she broke down and cried. Our friend had to stop working with the children to console her. We understood how she felt. We have been there as well. Then she asked us how we dealt with the situation on a daily basis. It wasn’t the first time we have been asked this question and most probably, it won’t be the last. Maybe it is the question in the minds of many sensitive people. “How could we work in such an environment every single day?” I could not give a straight answer back then. It is a difficult question and the answer demands careful consideration. This is my attempt after fifteen years.

We don’t see the same things as this woman or any first-time visitor sees. When we go to the streets, the same children with their plastic bottle of glue or paint thinner come to greet us. They wear the same dirty clothes that should have been thrown away yesterday. They still sleep in tunnels under the highway which are riddled with bugs and disease. All these things are still present, but these are not the things that we see when we meet the children on a daily basis. This does not mean that we are accustomed to all the disturbing things that she witnessed. They will always be disturbing to us as well. We don’t want to be accustomed to any of these things. However, they don’t make us feel paralyzed anymore. They don’t make us feel helpless and useless. We don’t see a hopeless situation. Something has changed within us that makes us see something altogether different from your average visitor. This change comes from our transition from being a spectator to becoming a participant.

We live in the world where we are constantly encouraged to be spectators. We are constantly exposed to images of pain and suffering. We turn our TV on and we see people getting murdered and tortured in distant lands. We see images of children dying unnecessarily. We see images of wars and mayhem. They conjure up all kinds of emotions in us and then they don’t inform us on how to live our lives or make a difference. They just make us feel insecure and helpless. After being inundated with all these images and the emotional aftermath that comes with them, we tend to resign to the fact of being a mere spectator. We might even think that this is the best we can ever do. We might feel that just witnessing something visually is sufficient in itself. This is perhaps why some people think that after they watch a documentary about a tragic situation in some distant country, they think that they are enlightened and have done something significant when in reality, they have just been a spectator. Over the years, we have seen many people who come and see the children and teens living in desperate situations and then just go home and return to life as usual. Being a spectator has become a way of life of many. I don’t believe that any of us want to be a spectator for the rest of our lives. We want to make a difference. We want to be something other than a mere spectator. Thanks be to God, there is another way. The gospel shows a better way to live.

The gospel frees us from the bondage of being mere a spectator. It opens the door for us to be a participant. Being a participant opens our eyes to see a different reality working in us. Now, I am not saying that a participant is someone who acts. A spectator can act and still remain an outsider. Many people have gone to work in relief work in many parts of the world and yet they still remain outsiders. Being a participant is not about doing something. It is choosing not to be an outsider. This leads us to the next question; is it possible for us to become a participant in an situation and environment that is so foreign our own personal reality? Can a person who has grown in a middle-class environment become a participant among homeless people in the third world country? Well, in order to do this, we need to see a reality that exists beyond the superficial; the eternal reality that unites all humanity.

The text above tells about the calling of the prophet Isaiah. The verses that precede it are perhaps some of the most frequently cited verses. Orthodox, Anglican, and Catholic Churches, perhaps even some Lutheran churches, use it their Liturgy every Sunday.

Isaiah saw and heard the angels proclaiming;

“Holy, holy, holy is the Lord Almighty;
the whole earth is full of his glory.”

It was this holiness that overwhelmed Isaiah. He witnessed an amazing spectacle. He saw God in His glory. Like any spectator, the scene left him paralyzed. He became aware of his own finitude and insignificance. He acknowledges this by confessing that he is a sinful man. He qualified his statement by stating that he belonged to a culture and society that was sinful. It was a strange thing to say because the vision did not mention any sinful acts or a particular societal act or omission. It just simply revealed God’s glory. Perhaps, this alone was enough. It was enough for Isaiah to realize that his vision of God was a God restricted by his own cultural and societal prejudices. The vision he saw revealed the true nature of God who was much bigger than his limited idea of divinity or divine action. We are also like him. Whether we like it or not, it is hard for us to imagine God being able to do something beyond our cultural and social background. When we are confronted with abject poverty or a terrible situation, we are so impressed with situation that we fail to see the God who is bigger than any situation or circumstances. It is easy for anyone to come to this conclusion because we construct our world view based what is immediately present before our eyes. However, there is a God who exists beyond our immediate visual reality. When Isaiah became aware of this reality, he confessed his own limited understanding of God. Before this, he felt helpless and lost. He felt small and insignificant. Perhaps feeling helpless and insignificant are not bad in themselves. They can be opportunities for us to make the transition from being a spectator to being a participant.

Isaiah’s admission of his own weakness and limitation opened the door for healing. This healing opened his eyes to the true reality. This made him ready to go and speak for God. Isaiah’s circumstances did not change but only his perception of reality. He was a spectator but now he became a participant in the Work of the Eternal and Glorious God.

I used to only see the disturbing and tragic situation in the streets. I used to be a little afraid when I first started working with the children and teens in the streets. Now, I see Ruan, Gabriel, Gustavo and Mayara. I see children whom our Father loves. I see hope when I get to know these children more each day. I am happy when I see them sitting on the benches because I can be with them. I cannot explain this transition from being a spectator to participant in details. However, I can say that it begin with discovering that God is my Father and from then the reality around me begin to change. Only God can bring about this transition in us. Going to serve the poorest of the poor is not going to make us a participant automatically. Only a true encounter with God can open our eyes to see the reality than is superior to the images presented to us by this world.

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Wasteful Living

While he was in Bethany, reclining at the table in the home of Simon the Leper, a woman came with an alabaster jar of very expensive perfume, made of pure nard. She broke the jar and poured the perfume on his head. Some of those present were saying indignantly to one another, “Why this waste of perfume?”-Mark 14:3-4

We were just sitting in the square waiting for the children and teens. It was too hot for us to walk around looking for them. There was no one around yet but we know that they always come to this particular square. We just decided to just wait. Today we did not bring much stuff with us. We just had some coloring books and we wanted to do a quiet activity. We figured that if we started coloring without them, maybe they might just come and join us without any prompting from us. Sure enough, our quiet activity attracted someone. It was a lanky teenager named Filipe who seemingly appeared out of nowhere. He has lived in the streets for a long time. He just turned 18 but he still acts and behaves like a child. I don’t mean that he is immature. He has been to maintain his innocence throughout this time. It is quite a miracle. Filipe always has a smile for us. He treats us with the uttermost respect but at the same time, he is one of the most closed teenagers. He hardly shares anything about his past and rarely participates in any activity with us. We were really surprised when he asked if he could color as well. We had a coloring book that was for older teens and adults and it was supposed to be a therapeutic coloring book. All I can say about it was that it was very relaxing for me to just sit there and color. Filipe sat down next to us and started coloring in silence. Then Dreyson appeared. He is another tough teenager. He always high on something and it is hard to engage him in any conversation. He watched us quietly for a while sniffing paint thinner in a plastic bottle. He decided to put away the paint thinner and asked if he could color as well. A few others came and did the same. We sat there in the square coloring different figures and pictures. It must have been strange for those who walked by us. Some must wonder why we are wasting our time coloring when we should be doing something more productive. Well, it was a good afternoon of holy waste. It was productive as well. We were very grateful for it.

A lot of things we do can be considered a waste of time. There are people who might consider missionary work as a waste of time and money. If these people saw us sitting around and coloring, they might even argue that we are proving their point. I won’t try to argue my way out of this one. Instead I will say that they are right. “Yes”, it is a waste of time and money. There are many things we do in life which are a waste of time and money. A church building is a waste of time and money. Why do we need to have a building to meet? For that matter, why do we even need to meet together for worship? In this age of internet and technology, wee can just transmit all that we need to hear and see through the computer or mass media. There is no need for buildings, no need for priests or ministers. In fact, is there really a need for religion? Many secular groups can do charitable works. We don’t need the church to do these, things. We have counselors who are better trained to help people than priests and ministers. If we were really pragmatic, we don’t need many of things we spend time and money on in this world. Even prayers can be considered a waste of time. Jesus Himself said that God knows what we need before we pray, so why bother praying? There are also other things we do on a daily basis that can be considered a waste of time and money, like reading, drinking coffee, and watching TV. There are a lot of things in life that do not appear to be necessary. If we did away with all these things Life would be colorless and empty. Perhaps, what appears to be a waste might be necessary to help us appreciate that which is precious and wonderful in Life.

Perhaps I could be doing something else with my life at this age than sitting on the filthy floor of a square and coloring with kids. This might appear to be a waste of talent. However, for us, it is one of the most enriching moments of our life. Filipe got done before the rest and he sat there with the rest of the children and took out a bible from his bag. He started reading from the Psalms. I never knew that he had a bible and he liked reading from it. When I asked him if he had a favorite Psalm, he smiled and said that he liked whatever he read. Another older teenager, Caio started sharing that he loves to listen to the street preachers just to hear something significant and then he shares it with the others. Filipe then took out a book about a drug addict who managed to kick his addiction through the strength of his faith. He gave the book to Mary and asked if she would read it and then talk about it with them. Dreyson also started opening up. He shared about his family. He told us that he has eight brothers and sisters. His younger brother, Daniel, also in the streets, has a twin sister living at home. He talked about his life at home and this was the first time he shared anything personal with us. He just did it without any prompting from us. I could go on and on but I won’t. All my years of seminary training has never really taught the lesson I think I am learning in the streets that intentionally ‘wasting time’ to be with people can be very productive. We felt such a strong bond being fostered between us and the children. They figured that if we were willing to waste our time by sitting around with them that they must be special to us. There is no other way to show how special someone is to us unless we are willing to put away so called important things and just waste time with them. What others perceive as waste is worth its price in gold in the language of Love.

The message of the gospel is a message of Holy Waste. God wasted His Son’s life for the very people who murdered Him. It was this willingness to throw His life away for a brood of ungrateful people that made the centurion say,“This man truly was the Son of God.” (Mark 15:39) If we never willing to waste our time and energy on people, we will never discover the meaning of the gospel. The Truth revealed in the words of Jesus are found in holy wasting. It is discovered when we give ourselves to doing things or maybe not doing anything for the sake of being with someone whom we love.

A Christian once asked me why he should be helping a missionary work in foreign land when it would not bring any benefit to his local community? I think such a question is revealing. It shows that perhaps we have not understood the depth of the gospel. This person is not ready for missionary work in any shape or form. He needed to understand the gospel first. Not just intellectually, but he has to allow the Truth of the gospel to penetrate into his being. Then he would understand that he wouldn’t be able to experience the depth of God’s love if someone hadn’t wasted their time and energy to bring the Truth of the gospel to him. I am here in Brazil because someone wasted their time to share the power of the gospel to me. The gospel compels us to waste our time for something greater and more powerful than what our physical eyes can perceive. It compels us to see a different set of values present in which there is no such thing as wasteful time when it helps to bring out the true value of one’s personhood.

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Respecting the Freedom of Others

Then the Lord God took the man and put him in the garden of Eden to tend and keep it. And the Lord God commanded the man, saying, “Of every tree of the garden you may freely eat; but of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil you shall not eat, for in the day that you eat of it you shall surely die.”- Genesis 2:15-17

Why did God place the tree in the garden? This question often comes whenever we study this text; I asked the same question when I was a boy. My Catechism teacher said that it was because God wanted to test us. The answer that worked for a young boy does not make sense to me as an adult. Terms like omniscience did not mean anything to me then but as an adult, they change the way I understand this story. If God knows everything, then He does not need to test us to find out if we love Him. First and foremost, this story wasn’t written for children, but for mature adults. There is something deep and profound about this story which we can miss if we are obsessed with the tree. We need to look beyond the presence of the tree. The tree is a mere symbol. It is symbol of our freedom.

God made humans free agents. In order to be truly free, they must have the capacity to reject Him. The tree was this option. St. John reveals to us that the essence of God’s nature is Love. Every action of God is motivated by Love. The placing of the tree is an act of Love. It is to guarantee that humanity has the freedom to accept or reject God. Therefore, freedom is an essential part of Love. There cannot be true love if there is no freedom.

Igor was doing well for a while at the halfway house. He managed to stay there for almost a year. He even started to believe that there was a future for him beyond the streets. Unfortunately, Igor and Ana Paula terminated their five year relationship and this resulted in an existential crisis for Igor. We tried to respect their privacy and did not pry into the causes and reasons of this sad occurrence. We just dealt with the aftermath. Igor was emotionally crushed. He found himself once again alone in this world. Ana Paula had been his family all these years and now she had given up on him and returned to the streets. Igor refused to regress to his old life. He still wanted to hold onto the possibility of having a better life. After many frank conversations together, he decided to learn a trade. Since, he had always liked cutting his friends’ hair, he asked if we would help him find a hair stylist school.

We had some contacts in this area and found a wonderful project that trained people from all walks of life to work in high end hair salons. This school gave scholarships to young people like Igor and even though there was a waiting list, they made a special concession for us and gave Igor a full scholarship. Everything worked out perfectly and it was like a dream come true. Sad to say, the dream did not last long. Igor begin to regress emotionally into his old street ways before the course begin and eventually gave up in the first week of the course without reason or cause. Then he just simply disappeared. It was only a few weeks after that we learned that he was living with a Pentecostal pastor and his family. The teens in the streets had seen him and they said that he had become a pentecostal preacher. This was later confirmed by other groups working in the streets. All this happened in a span of a month. I would like to be honest and say that I am not sure about it. I do believe that change can happen. We would not be doing this ministry if we do not believe in this. Igor has changed radically over the period we have known him. However, I don’t think that he should be in the pulpit. We don’t want Igor to be setting himself up for failure. Igor is doing what he thinks is best for him within his capacity. We believe that God can use this situation to do something incredible in his life. This is a possibility. However, it doesn’t change the fact that Igor threw away a good opportunity with the school. He is not going to get a second chance in this respect. It wasn’t easy to get him into this school in the first place but it is his freedom to choose what he wants to do with his life.

To be brutally honest, we were disappointed with Igor. We were upset that he just gave up without even talking to us about it. We also felt a little abandoned. After the initial shock, we started to reflect on our work here. We are not here to force anyone to accept our help. To a certain extent, we aren’t here to take anyone out of poverty. We don’t have the resources for this and even if we did, we are not here for this purpose. We don’t believe that all problems are resolved when people are financially better. This is perhaps a simplistic way that some ideologies look at reality. It is not the reality that brought us to this place. It is not the reality that makes churches invest in the lives of people that they will never see or be benefited by. God opened our eyes and ears to perceive a new reality. This reality is only made palpable when we learn to love our neighbors the way God loves us. God does this first and foremost by respecting our freedom. He respects our freedom even when we choose to hate Him. God does not change His love and affection when we use our freedom in a detrimental way. Jesus told us,

“A new commandment I give unto you, That you love one another; as I have loved you, that you also love one another.” -John 13 : 34

God loved us without disregarding our freedom.

Respecting the freedom of others also means freeing them to do what they deem as right for them even when it can seem to be obviously wrong from our perspective. When Jesus calls us to be servants, it means that we need to recognize the process of growth in people and ourselves. We need to realize that we also make decisions based on our limited wisdom and what we think is good may not necessarily be the absolute Truth. This does not automatically mean that every decision is valid. It only means that none of us have a monopoly on the Truth. Respecting the freedom of others keeps us in check. It humbles us to admit that we might not have everything figured out. Besides, if we are going to follow the footsteps of Jesus in our service, then we need to respect the gift of freedom that God given to all human beings.

As I was writing this post, Igor stopped by for a surprise visit. It had been two months since we last saw him. He came to apologize for leaving the course without talking with us. He wanted us to know that he appreciated our help. He asked if we would continue to walk with him. We said “yes” but now we are perhaps a little wiser than before. We are walking together with Igor knowing that he has the freedom to accept or reject our help. It does not really matter if he accepts our help. It only matters that he knows that he is loved and perhaps this love will empower him to use his freedom for achieve virtuous things in life.

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The Futility of Our Service

So likewise ye, when ye shall have done all those things which are commanded you, say, We are unprofitable servants: we have done that which was our duty to do.-Luke 17: 10

“Don’t be a hero!” A relative said these words to me just I was about to embark on a plane to Brazil more than twenty years ago. I was a little offended by this statement. At first I thought it was a little random and then the implication hit me. The person must have thought that my motivation to be a missionary was fueled by a messiah complex. I was really mad. In my mind, I believed that I just wanted to be a simple missionary but in the hidden corner of my heart, lurking behind all the good intentions, was a budding messiah complex. Today I see the wisdom in those words. I am not saying that in any shape or form that the person who uttered these words was wise. He still remains an annoying person for saying such a thing. Nevertheless, God used these words to say something profound to me. He does not need a messiah to serve Him. He does not need us to save the world from sin and destruction. There can only be one genuine Savior in this world and He has already done a perfect job. My role is entirely different. It is not just my role but it is the vocation of anyone who has been touched by the Love of this Savior. Our task is to be His servants. God does not want us to be heroes but just mere servants.

The world likes heroes. It gives this title freely to anyone; even minute things are conceived as an acts of nobility. On the contrary, God just wants servants. The difference between a hero and a servant is that a hero is a volunteer, whereas the servant serves out of duty. Those who want to be heroes want their acts to be recognized. A servant is just doing what it expected. The servant does his or her duty. The word, duty, is an unfashionable word in some religious circles. Many think that it sounds dry and cold. I used this word in a religious setting once and someone accused me of these things. Well, the words of Jesus in the above verse do not seem to be warm and fuzzy. They sound harsh, but they are the necessary truth.

We need to know that when we serve God, we are not doing Him a favor. We are just doing our duty. There is no extra privilege or honor. The honor and privilege lies in fulfilling our duty; nothing more, nothing less. This does not mean that it cannot be joyful and rewarding. It does not mean that it is forced upon us. Our free-will is still very much in the center of fulfilling any duty. This also beckons another important question; does God need us to serve Him?

Then the Lord God took the man and put him in the garden of Eden to tend and keep it.- Genesis 2:15

This was the first mandate given to humanity. This was before the Fall. Prior to this, we read that God created the world perfectly. The land produced plants and trees without any assistance from humanity and everything in nature was in harmony. Nothing was competing for survival. Everything in existence was moving along perfectly according to the will of God. There was nothing humanity could do to ameliorate this already perfect world. What kind of tending and caring could humanity provide to contribute to its perfection? The world moves along God’s plan. His plans have been already perfected because He rested on the seventh day. Everything will reach its perfection in the end. Therefore, what is our role in of all this?

From Genesis onwards, we read the stories about Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, Joseph, Moses, the kings and the prophets; we find a whole list of names and activities. Some were good and others were bad and most of them were somewhere in-between. They made good and bad choices but nothing they did jeopardized or enhanced the will of God. This does not mean that we should surrender to a fatalistic attitude. I don’t believe in determination in such a way that forfeits free-will. God created humans with free-will and therefore, He must have perceived it as a good thing. Most importantly, free-will is an essential part of Love. However, we must not think that our free-will can control God’s actions. The people in the Bible fulfilled God’s plan of action in this world; even in some cases, the person did not do it conscientiously. Even people who deliberately act against God end up fulfilling His will. I am not saying that God is responsible for tyrants and murderous leaders and peoples in the world. God does not interfere in our actions but our actions also do not interfere in His will as well.

God fulfills His goodness in this world despite our actions, good or bad. This does not mean that we do absolutely nothing or we do whatever we please. We can do both these things in our lives and we will end up being miserable. It is in our human nature to participate in the projects of this world. Our sense of fulfillment comes from being involved in what God is doing. The other extreme is to think that the future of the world lies in our hands. Some Christians think that If we do not preach the gospel, then the world will die in sin and destruction. This is worse than doing nothing. It is taking on something which God has never given to us. It is trying to take over God’s role of salvation. We don’t have what it takes to fulfill this role. This does not mean that we do not attempt to work for a better world. We have to remember that God is the only One who moves this world into perfection. He invites us to be part of the process. He invites us to His servants and not His co-messiahs.

It is actually a joy to know that we are just servants. Jesus said that we should consider ourselves as unprofitable or unworthy servants. This is even better. It should be a relief to consider ourselves as unworthy servants. Being unworthy servants means that we are not capable of fulfilling the task that is given to us. It is freeing to know that as I go into the streets everyday that I am not really qualified to do the task God has called me to do. Despite this, God wants me to be there. Not because He wants me to feel inadequate. He wants me to be in the streets because He loves me.

And said, Verily I say unto you, Except ye be converted, and become as little children, ye shall not enter into the kingdom of heaven. (Matthew 18:3)

Last Sunday, as Mary and I were walking home, we saw a man and his six year old son sweeping the leaves from his allocated parking space in his apartment building. The father was actually doing the job and the little boy took a tiny stick and started pushing the leaves to the side. He wasn’t really doing much but his father stood next to him and allowed him to help. The boy made a mess and the father cleared it and made sure everything was the way he wanted. The little boy just wanted to be with his father and participate in whatever his father was doing. This was sufficient. I imagine thirty years from now, this father would remember this moment with fondness. The boy would also treasure this moment and would do the same with his own child. Most likely, they would not remember if they did a good job clearing the space. This is irrelevant. Rationally speaking, the little boy was wasting his father’s time. The father could have gotten everything done quicker. The boy delayed the task. However, when you add love into this relationship, the time wasted was a moment gained in eternity.

God has everything under control in this world. Rationally speaking, all our service is futile, but it does not mean that it is insignificant.

We sit and talk with the children and teens everyday. I know that I don’t have the answer to their problems. The social situation is not going to change because of our presence in their lives. We know that God has called to us to be His servants here. We also know that we don’t have the solutions to their problems, but God is doing something here. He is free to reveal His perfect will according to His timetable. Therefore, what is left for us to do is to discover and know the people behind the problems. Sometimes we can get so obsessed with problem-solving that we fail to see the human soul behind the social issues and situations. Social problems steal the humanity of the people who are affected. It would be really sad if those who reach out to these people get so obsessed with problem solving that they fail to see their humanity. Being an unworthy servant helps me to see the humanity of the other person. It frees me from the burden of being the world’s messiah and helps me become a mere human being who wants to know and love another human being just like me. Being a servant helps me get down from my high horse and become one with the ones God has called me to serve.

God calls us to serve not because He needs our help. He calls us to be His servants because He desires to include us in His project in this world. Our joy comes from being part of something eternal. Our ideas and efforts are not going to make a big difference in this world. We are not the saviors. However, we are His servants. As we serve Him in our imperfect way, we discover the perfect Love of God, not only for us and also for the homeless and neglected children and teens. This does not mean that we do absolutely nothing. It means that we are aware that the future of these children or teens does not depend on our actions. I thank God for it because I don’t have much to offer along these lines. This is irrelevant. I don’t have to have answers to serve, just serve to be close to my Master. I serve because it is my duty. It is a joyous duty because we serve a Master who allows us to be imperfect and yet He includes us in His project of Love.

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Some Considerations about our Actions

Again He said to me, “Prophesy to these bones, and say to them, ‘O dry bones, hear the word of the Lord! Thus says the Lord God to these bones: “Surely I will cause breath to enter into you, and you shall live. I will put sinews on you and bring flesh upon you, cover you with skin and put breath in you; and you shall live. Then you shall know that I am the Lord.”- Ezekiel 37: 4-6

Every night, at about seven o’clock, a church group serves hot soup to the homeless in the downtown area. About two hours later, a group of spiritualists bring sandwiches and juice for the same people. Almost immediately after, a Pentecostal Church gathers all the homeless adults and children and they sing a short hymn followed by a longish sermon before serving some rice and beans with a piece of meat. There may be five different groups serving food to the same group of homeless people every evening. Unfortunately, many times the food goes to waste. A homeless person told us that they feel obligated to accept the food even when they are not hungry because they don’t want to offend the good people who serve them. It sounds like the homeless are doing the people who think that they are serving them a service. Something is definitely not quite right about this situation.

Everyone wants to do something to help the homeless. Usually serving food is the first thing that pops into everyone’s mind. It is a good way to get everyone involved and we feel like we are doing something concrete. The result is also almost immediate and the commitment has a beginning and an end. We hand the food to the homeless and they are fed. We go home happy and the homeless are no longer starving. I am not saying that serving food is a bad idea. It is not a bad thing but it should not end just there. We have something important to offer to the world as a church. Our vocation is to preach the gospel. Actions can give us the feeling that we have done our part for the gospel but in reality the message of the gospel is a message of Truth. Feeding the poor is never a substitute for the Truth. For that matter, no action can be a substitute for the Truth. Our actions are good and valid when they open the door for us to share the Truth.

Last week, we had interesting experience. While we were in the streets, a young man in his thirties came up and started talking to me as if we have known each other for ages. I just stood there smiling politely and wondering who this man was. I was a little taken aback when he asked about Mary by name. He even knew the number of years that we have been married. He eventually figured out that I did not recognize him and he told me that his name was William and he lived in the streets when he was a teenager twenty years ago. His words almost miraculously triggered my memory and he began to look familiar. Even then, I could hardly remember any specific detail about him. However, he was able to remember vividly our time in the streets with him. To make the situation even more bizarre, as we were talking, a young woman, Marcia, happened to walk by with her children. She used to live in the streets when she was teenager during the same period as William. This encounter was just a coincidence. William and Marcia started reminiscing about their time in the streets. They talked about the dangers and difficulties they experienced together in the streets. They said that throughout this time, they never forgot the times we spent with them.

Twenty years ago, our work was much simpler and we were much poorer. We did not bring games to the streets. We had limited resources. We went to the streets with a First Aid kit kept in a small tupperware. Sometimes we would bring some paper to draw with crayons. Most of the time, we just sat where the children and teens were and waited for them to come up to us and talk. Many times we felt like we were doing absolutely nothing. Occasionally the children would ask us to pray for them. Other times, they would just sit close to us and whenever they felt like it, they would talk to us. They knew that we were there when they needed us. There were occasions that we were able to say something profound to them but this opportunity only came after a long period of listening and waiting. I don’t remember saying anything significant to William and Marcia. However, they remembered spending time with us. They remembered talking with us. They remembered our presence with them. This was the most important thing for them. Life is a constant struggle for Marcia and William but they know how to survive. They don’t need our help to survive. They are fighters. However, in their daily struggle, it is hard for them to see God’s presence in their lives. It is easy for them to think that they are alone in this world and that no one cares. They desire to see that God is with them and they will never forget anyone who helps them see God’s presence in their lives.

We live in a world that values actions. I have repeated the cliché, “action speaks louder than words”, many times without understanding its implications. Action is power. It is a means of imposing our influence on others. It gives us a feeling that we are in control. Before we do any outreach activity, it is important for us to realize that the gospel is not about asserting our power and influence in the world. The essence of the gospel message is summed in one word, “Emmanuel” which means “God is with us” . The beginning of the gospel of John states that the Word became Flesh to dwell among us. The Word is the Truth and this Truth is manifested in the person of Jesus. However, we tend to overlook the fact that Jesus waited thirty years before He begin His ministry. The gospel of Luke tells us that He was aware of His vocation since his youth and yet, He waited for thirty years. Jesus waited for the right moment to speak the Truth. It is His waiting that gave Him the authority when He spoke.

Waiting is not doing nothing: waiting is learning and perceiving how God works in our midst. This cannot be done if we do not learn to listen to the Holy Spirt moving in our daily lives. The first few verses of Genesis tell us that first the Spirit of God moved and then the Father spoke. There was a period of waiting for the right moment even in creation. First we have to see and understand what the Spirit is doing before we can speak the Truth.

We cannot separate listening from waiting but they are not the same thing. Waiting is required even when we don’t hear anything. In our ministry, I have mistaken the silence of the God has a license to do things as I see fit. In the process, I desensitized my spirit from discerning God’s voice. Our words can only be powerful when we learn how to listen and speak from what we hear from God. Jesus waited because He knew that the Father was active in this world. Even Jesus needed time to understand how God works in this world and He acted in partnership with the Father. The Truth of Emmanuel means that we work in partnership with God to testify His loving presence in this world. The gospel is not about ending world hunger or solving the problem of poverty. These situations will always be our reality. Jesus Himself was born poor and died unjustly in a brutal and violent manner. When He resurrected from the dead, He did not give us a mandate to end all these injustices in this world. This is something that goes beyond our vocation. This does not mean that we turn a blind eye towards injustices. However, we should not forget that we have a higher calling. He gave us the commandment to preach the Truth that God is with us. He is with the sheep that wanders off into the loneliness of the wilderness. He is a God who suffers with those who suffer and mourns with those who mourn. He is the God who is able to touch the lepers of our society and heal them of their isolation and abandonment. This Truth when spoken at the right moment cuts into the deepest being of the human soul. It has the power to lift these people up and give them the voice and strength to stand against the injustices of this world. No political ideology or social program can do this. They can only perhaps identify the problem. The solution is found in the good news. God has given those who serve Him the privilege of sharing the good news. However, it is not an action. The Word of Truth needs to be spoken into the souls of the people. It is not the preaching of empty doctrines. It is the sharing of Truth that can be spoken with authority if we are willing to wait and listen to Holy Spirit.

This is a little longer post than usual. I don’t want to criticize actions without leaving an alternative. Actions are not bad. However, they should not be the first step if we want to serve those who are forgotten in our society. The first step is to go where they are and learn to discern to God’s presence in their midst. We should not talk first. We should wait and listen to the Holy Spirit who is already working there. We don’t bring God to the people. We are called to participate in His work. He is already there waiting for us.

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