A Necessary Rebuke

And Peter took him aside and began to rebuke him, saying, ‘God forbid it, Lord! This must never happen to you.’ But Jesus turned and said to Peter, ‘Get behind me, Satan! You are a stumbling-block to me; for you are setting your mind not on divine things but on human things.’ Then Jesus told his disciples, ‘If any want to become my followers, let them deny themselves and take up their cross and follow me. For those who want to save their life will lose it, and those who lose their life for my sake will find it.’ Matthew 16:22-25

Poor Peter. I can totally sympathize with him. His words were seasoned with good intentions. One could say that Jesus’ reaction was a little harsh. Maybe it was necessary. Peter and the disciples had to learn that the world’s ways of achieving things has nothing to do with the Kingdom of God. According to the world, Peter was right. The Messiah is supposed to be the greatest King among kings and not to die a shameful death. The whole episode is very similar to the temptations of Jesus in the desert. The devil through Peter was proposing an alternate way of establishing God’s Kingdom; suggesting that He considers other possible means of doing things. Jesus had to be harsh and curt with Peter. There was no room for negotiating with the deceptive ways of the devil. Nevertheless, Peter must have felt crushed.

At first Jesus told him that he was going to be the rock upon which the church would be built. In the Acts of the Apostles, Peter became the rock for the church. His leadership helped the disciples cross ethnic boundaries and paved the way for the inclusion of the Gentiles. Peter was elevated to a status of a leader and then. Jesus addressed him as Satan.

“It is great men, potential saints, not little men, who become those who are readiest to kill for it” C.S. Lewis, Reflections on the Psalms.

Violence and murder and all kinds of atrocities are committed in the Name of God all the time. We may say that these are really evil people who use religion as a guise for their evil intentions. However, this is not always true. They start with saintly intentions and then the values of this age slowly slip in and contaminate their souls. This is why a harsh rebuke was necessary. It was essential that Peter and the disciples did not contaminate their souls with the world. If not, they would become salt that has lost its saltiness and essentially be worthless to humanity.

According to Jesus, Satan is someone who sets his mind on human things. This is quite a curious thing. After all, aren’t we all humans and therefore, prone to think about human things naturally? Our homeless children living in the streets have these needs too. Sometimes, they impel them to steal and use drugs and in some cases, they allow themselves to be exploited. They do not resort to crime to buy bread. Food is one of the easiest things to get. Most people will give food willingly to someone who begs for it. Crime is committed by our children and teens to fulfill their need for recognition. It is the only way they become visible in society. It is the deep rooted desire of every human being to be acknowledged as a member of a society whether it is positive or negative.

We are social animals. We have a natural instinct to belong to a group. The homeless youth are not any different. They will do anything to belong to a group. One can say that their use of drugs is not entirely due to addiction but mainly motivated by the need to belong to a group. Incidentally, all our teens and children who have left the streets have abandoned cocaine or other hard drugs without any difficulty. Almost none of them attend any special treatment program. However, they find it difficult to leave the group to which they once belonged. Therefore, we can understand why Peter thought all the talk about death was horrifying. It is the ultimate separation from every social group. He wanted the Kingdom of Jesus to be recognized and acknowledged by everyone. He desired that it would become the most powerful among others. He was willing to use whatever means necessary to achieve this. He even promised to do so on several occasions and went as far as to cut off the ear of a person whom he deemed as a threat. Peter was not all talk. He was a man of action. Jesus had to stop him before he got started.

Jesus came to establish an eternal Kingdom whose values are not compatible with the limited mindset of this temporal world. This creates more problems for us. We are of this world whether we like it or not, we think and act like people who live in this reality. Perhaps the first step is for us to recognize this. When we acknowledge Jesus as our Christ it doesn’t mean we are automatically free from the mindset of this world. Peter wasn’t and He needed a harsh rebuke to be reminded of this fact. Sometimes, maybe more often than not, we need to have strong rebukes to be reminded that our minds need to be transformed.

“Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your minds, so that you may discern what is the will of God—what is good and acceptable and perfect.” Romans 12:2

The world is constantly bombarding us with its values; perhaps now more than ever with each technological innovation. Our minds are never free from its diabolic influence. Recently, our conversation with Bruno touched on the subject of generosity. I don’t know how we got there but this is how things are in the streets. We cannot control the subjects that come up. I shared about a famous singer who died not too long ago. This man was quite a curious person. He once used to sing raunchy songs and many times his lyrics were extremely explicit. Later on in his career, he changed his style and, nevertheless, he maintained formidable success with his music. When he died, it was revealed that he had become a devout Christian over the years. Many people came forth and shared that he helped them financially when they were in dire straits. He paid for someone’s surgery and helped a widowed woman among many things. However, he always told these people that he did not want them to disclose his generosity to anyone. He told them that Jesus said that our left hand should not know what the right hand is doing when it comes to acts of love. After his death, these people decided to go public. Bruno thought that it was strange and even bad that he did not want anyone to know about his good works. I was a little taken aback. I thought that the singers desire to be anonymous would impress him. Then I understood. Bruno’s understanding of life comes from his interactions with people. He formulates his ethics through his conversations with them. Every time an organization comes to the streets to do charitable work whether it is a church or some other institution, tons of photos are taken and their acts are filmed. Then images appear in the social media. They claim that this serves to motivate others to do the same. There are a range of reasons for their publicity. However, there are the words of Jesus and we need to do something about them. I am not saying that we should stop all this but we need to consider the words of Jesus. The Kingdom of God is not established through the means of the world. We cannot ignore how the Christ lived in this world and think that we can improve on the spread of His message by using our worldly methods. We might be just walking into the snares of the devil. The worst of it was that Bruno thought that there was something wrong with this singer’s attitude. It was so foreign to his reality that something Jesus said appears to be wrong. It is not Bruno’s ethic which is corrupted but he has not seen the values of the Messiah lived out in concrete form.

Maybe Bruno’s reaction is a rebuke from the Holy Spirit. It opened my eyes. Peter went on to become a saint who suffered many other rebukes on the way. The most amazing thing about Peter is that he listened each time. He did not leave Jesus because he was called Satan. I can not see this term as anything but an offensive one. However, Peter knew Jesus had the words of Eternal Life (John 6:68). He endured the harsh words of Jesus because he knew that they had Life. The question is whether we are able to listen and endure the rebukes which come our way. I guess we have to be convinced like Peter that the words of Jesus have eternal Life. Only then, we will be willing to listen to the rebukes to renew our minds and be transformed in the way of our thinking.

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